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HUNAN UNIVERSITY 毕业设计(论文) 设计论文题目: 固定式多头自动螺丝 装配设备的设计 学生姓名: 赵展 学生学号: 专业班级: 八年级五班 学院名称: 河南省方城县赵河镇王庄大学 指导老师: 赵广见 学院院长: 熊伟丽 固定式多头自动螺丝装配设备的设计 摘要 本设计的任务是完成一套螺钉自动装配设备。经过方案拟定、分析、实验等步骤本次设计完成了机械装置部分的设计跟控制系统方面的设计。在机械装置设计部分,经过对运动情况,尺寸的设定等分析实验,最终完成了整机的结构设计,包括机架等。在机械装置的运动系统设计中,以电批为核心部件、实现电批头的旋转来拧紧螺钉,用气动作为传动方式,采取一个气缸来实现电批头的上下往复运动。在行程控制方面,采用了十字万向联轴器来解决非同轴的旋转运动,用弹簧、套筒等来缓冲行程,实现行程控制。在系统控制方面,经过分析了解到,机械装置需要完成检测螺钉、工件的到位情况,气缸的伸缩情况,电批的旋转停动情况等一系列自动化动作,因此需要用到控制器来完成。本设计中采用了以PLC为核心的控制系统,用传感器、开关等作为信号检测跟输入,用程序编写来完成计数、气缸的伸缩控制、电批的旋转与否等功能。总体来说,本次设计能够实现螺钉的自动装配的任务。 关键词:设计;螺钉自动装配;机械装置;控制系统; Fixed multi-axis screw automatic assembly equipment design Abstract The design task is to complete a set of screw automatic assembly equipment. After programming, analysis and experimental, the design is completed with some mechanical device control system design aspects. In the mechanical device design part, through to movement, such as analysis of experimental set size, the final completion of the structural design of the machine.Motion system design, the rotation of the power granted as a core component of the electric screwdriver to tighten the screws, as a transmission of a pneumatic, take a cylinder up and down reciprocating motion of the electric screwdriver.Stroke control using a cross universal coupling to solve the non-coaxial with the rotational movement, with a spring sleeve cushioning stroke.In the system control mechanism need to complete the detection screws, telescopic cylinder and a series of automated actions, use the controller to complete. The design used in the PLC control system, sensors, etc., as the signal is detected with the input completion of the count, the expansion and contraction of the cylinder control, with programming, the rotation of electric screwdriver and other functions. Overall, the design can achieve the task of automatic assembly screws. Key Words: design; screw automatic assembly; machinery; control system 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景及目的 1 1


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