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xx职业学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 系 部: 电子工程系 专 业: 电气自动化 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 二O一四年一月八日 摘 要 温度测量技术应用十分广泛,而且在现代设备故障检测领域中也是一项非常重要的技术。但在某些应用领域中,要求测量温度用的传感器不能与被测物体相接触,这就需要一种非接触的测温方式来满足上述测温需求。本论文正是应上述实际需求而设计的红外测温仪。 本设计将对硬件选择以及结构进行设计,并且采用新型的可编程温度传感器TN901,它的优点是能直接与单片机完成数据采集和处理,实现方便、精度高,性能稳定,并且不需复杂的信号调理电路和A/D转换电路。不需要使传感器TN901与人体接触,进行温度感应后,TN901就可以感应温度并且直接送入AT89S51单片机中,经过单片机的信号处理并将其送出,通过LCD1602显示屏进行显示。这样的好处是可以快速并精准的测量出人体体温,与传统的水银体温计相比,它的优点是测量精准度高、测量时间短、并且方便读数。 关键词:51单片机;TN901红外测温仪;LCD1602液晶显示屏 ABSTRACT The technology of temperature measurement is used widespread, and it also important in the modern equipment failure examination field. But in some application domains, we needn’t the sensor contact with the measured object which used in temperature measurement, this needs a kind of non-contact temperature measurement to satisfies the demand and the design of this infrared thermometer is also based on the demand. The design and structure will be designed hardware options, and using the new programmable temperature sensor TN901, its advantage is to be completed and SCM data acquisition and processing directly realize the convenience, high precision, stable performance, and without complex signal conditioning circuit and A / D converter circuit. TN901 does not need to make contact with the human body sensor, temperature sensor after, TN901 can sense temperature and directly into the AT89S51 microcontroller, after signal processing and microcontroller sent out by LCD1602 digital tube display. The advantage is that you can quickly and accurately measure the body temperature, compared with the traditional mercury thermometer, it has the advantage of high measurement accuracy, measurement time is short and easy to read. KEYWORDS: 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 III 1绪论 1 2 系统的原理及方案 3 2.1 温度测量技术的概述 3 2.2 红外测温原理及方法 3 2.3 红外测温系统的方案介绍 4 3 红外测温系统的硬件设计 8 3.1 单片机处



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