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毕业设计 题 目 交互模式设计研究 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 20070406010 指导教师 二〇一一年 月 日 科技的日新月异,3G时代的到来,使我们的生活通讯娱乐方式也无时无刻不在发生翻天覆地的变化。从最初的移动电话“大哥大”到前些年的超薄手机,再到如今对于各种信息获取的强烈需求和视觉效果的青睐,手机,尤其是智能手机作为最为重要方便的信息获得终端,其操作也开始进入了智能全触屏的时代。 随着Android市场份额的扩大,使人们对手机的关注焦点慢慢由它的外部特征转入平台界面。全触屏的操作空间,使界面设计成为人们的关注要点,界面的设计一方面是指界面审美层次效果,即视觉效果;另一方面是指用户与界面的交互效果,即交互模式。审美层次的界面风格是指界面带来的视觉享受,操作层面的界面则是交互的流畅性、协调性。不同的用户对上述两种层次的界面风格有着不同的要求,因此,设计必须针对大部分的用户群来进行,在通过界面的版面、色彩、文字、图标等视觉元素实现界面风格的基础上,创新交互模式,将视觉效果、屏幕手势、物理反馈等交互元素统一起来,使操作更符合人类的本能, 让科幻世界成为可能。 此次课题即通过对Android手机界面的两方面研究,尝试设计出一种全新的交互模式,并制作出它的相关界面,力求使Android手机更加智能化, 增加用户新鲜的人性化体验,让操作变得舒适、简单、自由。 关键词:交互模式,界面设计,智能手机 ABSTRACT As technology rapidly changing, 3G era is coming, our life of communication and entertainment also have great changed all the time. Mobile phone has changed from the Big Brother to theultra-thin mobile phone on previous years. As the strong demand for all kinds of information acquisition and visual effects of all ages, cell phones, especially smart phones has been the most important information to facilitate access to the terminal, the operation has begun to enter the era of the intelligent full touch screen. With the expansion of market share Android system, more and more people focus on the mobile phone has transferred from the external characteristics of its platform interfaces. Full touch screen operation of space leads the interface designed to be the attention point, From the aesthetic level of the interface, interface design is the visual effects; the other hand, that is the effect interactive mode which refers to the user interface interaction. The aesthetic level of interface style is to bring the visual interface, the operational level is to make the interface smooth interaction, coordination. Different user groups on the two levels


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