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常用术语总结 债权人:obligee 债务人:obligor 一方:one party 对方\相对人:the other party; 善意相对人:the other party in good faith 债权:creditor’s right; right to performance; right 债务/义务: obligation 标的物:subject matter 责任:liability 要约:offer; 承诺:acceptance; 要约邀请:invitation to offer; 要约人:offeror 受要约人:offeree 收件人:recipient 代理人:agent 被代理人/本人:principle 行为人:person performing (such) act 代理权:agency authority应当:shall 可以:may 不能:may not 不正当:improperly 有权做. . .:may; is entitled to do 履行义务:perform obligation, render performance 订立合同:enter into a contract; conclude a contract; form a contract 带来损失:cause loss to . . . 损害利益:harm somebody’s interest 赔偿损失:indemnify the other party for its loss 由某人承担费用:expenses shall be borne by sb. 承担损害赔偿责任:be liable for damages 各自承担相应的责任:bear their respective liabilities accordingly 要求承担违约责任:hold . . . liable for breach of contract 享有权利、承担义务:assume right and obligation 合同订立采取. . .方式: a contract is concluded by the exchange of. . . (e.g. by the exchange of an offer and an acceptance; by the exchange of electronic messages) . . .的意思表示:manifestation of intention to do something 做出表示:manifest his intention (to do) 接受履行:accept the performance 订立合同时:in the course of concluding/ negotiating a contract; at the time of its conclusion 符合...规定:meet the requirement of . . . 承诺的撤回:withdrawal of acceptance 书面形式:in writing 合同书形式:memorandum of contract 具有本法. . .条规定的情形:fall into any of the circumstances set forth in Article. . . 撤回:withdraw; 撤销:cancel 拒绝追认:decline; 拒绝履行:reject 受约束:be bound;is binding upon somebody 表明:indicate 价目表:price list 拍卖公告:announcement of auction 招标公告:call for tender 招股说明书:prospectus 商业广告:commercial advertisement 数据电文:electronic message 指定特定系统:designate a specific system 快速通讯方式:instantaneous communication device 国家指令性任务或国家订货任务:state mandatory plan or state purchase order 根据需要/要求:in light of its requirement 格式条款:standard terms 条款:provision 提请注意义务:duty to call attention 应. . .要求,做. . .:do something upon the request of . . . 与对方协商:negotiate with the other party 预先



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