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中文摘要 《醒世姻缘传》一书,语料价值很高,在近代汉语史上有着不可忽视的地位。 通过对书中人称代词的研究,我们可以总结一下该书中人称代词的特点,也可以 了解到那一时期人称代词的基本面貌。 本文所说的人称代词是指第一人称、第二人称和第三人称代词。文章分为五 个章节。第一章首先回顾了《醒世姻缘传》的研究概况及人称代词的研究概况。 接着介绍了文章采用的研究方法。正文部分则主要对书中出现的人称代词进行详 细的描写,然后对一些语言现象进行解释,最后对这些人称代词做出一些定性分 析。 文章逐一考察了《醒世姻缘传》中出现的第一人称代词“我”、“我等”、“我 们”、“咱”、“咱们”、“俺”、“俺们”,第二人称代词“你”、“你们”、“您”、“您 们”,第三人称代词“他”、“他们”等的语法功能与语义指向。并且还与当代临 清方言中的第一、第二、第三人称代词的使用分别做了简单对比。该书的人称代 词比较丰富,并且各人称代词的语法功能和语义指向也都发展的比较完备。“咱”、 “您”、“他”的普遍使用,也标志着近代汉语人称代词系统的成熟;复数表示法 已经跟现代汉语十分接近,基本都是在人称代词后面加“们”;另外,“您”的使 用一般并没有表示尊敬的意思,“他”既可以用来指代人,也可以用来指代动物 和无生物,这两点是与现代汉语不同的地方。 关键词:醒世姻缘传、人称代词、当代临清方言、比较 IV Abstract Marriage Awakening the World , as an valuable corpus of chinese language, plays a significant role in the history of modern chinese. A study of the personal pronouns contained in the book will reveal the features of the language in the period when it was written. The personal pronouns discussed in this thesis include the first, the second and the third persons. The study falls into five chapters. The first chapter reviews the literatures on the Marriage Awakening the World , and those on the personal pronouns. Later it puts forwards an methodology to approach the pronouns. The main body of the present study is to make a detailed description of the personal pronouns , expound relevant language phenomena, and finally make a qualitative analysis of them. Specifically, the thesis studies the functions and semantic characteristics of the first personal pronouns: wo(我),wo deng (我等),wo men (我们),zan(咱),zan men(咱 们),an (俺),an men (俺们), the second Personal Pronouns: including ni(你),ni men (你们),nin(您),nin men(您们)and the third Personal Pronouns: ta(他),ta men(他们). Then they are brought into a comparison with modern LinQing dialect. It is found that Marriage


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