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补充听力()Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: I’m sorry, Mike. I have to put off our meeting till four o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Anderson wants me to revise the annual report right now. M: Take your time. My schedule is flexible. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项中的meeting,not on/goes against his schedule等表明,对话可能与会议和男士的安排有关。He doesn’t mind表明,男士的话为听音重点。 【解 析】选[B]。对话中女士提到put off our meeting,男士回答Take your time. My schedule is flexible(不用着急,我的安排很灵活),由此可知,男士不介意推迟会议,故答案为[B]。 12. M: How was your interview last week? Have you got their calls? W: Well, chances are slim. My mind was all focused on the exam in that afternoon and I even forgot to bring my resume. Q: What does the woman think of her interview? 【听前预测】选项中的It was just so-so/great/terrible等表明,本题可能考查对It的评价,听音时应留意It具体指代什么。 【解 析】选[C]。对话中男士询问女士的面试怎么样,女士回答chances are slim…I even forgot to bring my resume(机会很渺茫我甚至忘记带简历),由此可知,女士觉得她的面试很糟糕,故答案为[C]。 13. W: How is your new roommate? M: Well, all I could say is that he’s a real couch potato. Last weekend he invited me over to his parent’s house to watch TV. I bet watching TV is his only hobby, but he surely doesn’t know much. Q: What can we learn about the man’s new roommate? 【听前预测】He is fond of/likes,TV等表明,对话可能与He喜欢看电视有关。 【解 析】选[B]。由男士提到的he’s a real couch potato和I bet watching TV is his only hobby可知,男士的新室友很喜欢看电视,故答案为[B]。couch potato常用来指整天坐着看电视的人。 14. W: You must have passed through lots of rural areas during your trip. Do you enjoy the country? M: Yes. When you’ve been staying in an urbanized area too long, you appreciate rural areas for a change. Everything is relaxed and easy. The scenery is beautiful. Q: Why does the man enjoy the country? 【听前预测】选项中的air is clean,quiet表明,本题。 【解 析】选[D]。由男士提到的When you’ve been staying in an urbanized area too long, you appreciate rural areas for a change(当你在城市化的地方呆太久时,你会想去农村地区改变一下)可知,男士喜欢乡下是因为在城市太久了,乡村能给人一种新鲜感,故答案为[D]。 15. W: Have you been to the new fitness club on the corner, William? They say it is a good place to do exercise



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