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Professional English of ;Part one Text A: Environment; Humans have always inhabited in two worlds. One is the natural worlds, the other is the world of social institutions and artifacts. Both worlds are essential to us, But integrating them successfully causes enduring tensions;Inhabit: 居住于,栖息,占据 1. Methods PPD intradermal injection (皮内注射) was given to 761 children of 0-6 years old who inhabited in the precincts and received BCG vaccine 12 weeks ago. 2. Influence of Fire in 2001 on the Inhabit and Breeding of Red—crowned Crane in Zhalong Nature Reserve ;Integrate: 融合,完整的,集成 1. From Exclusion, Segregation to Integrate. 2. Environmental Ethics and Integrate Thinking. 3. Noise Suppress of the Integrate Circuit 注意:与merge的区别;Environment and Environment Science Environment can be defined as: (1) the circumstance or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms, or (2) the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community.;Environments science is the systemic study of our environment and our proper place in it.;Interdisciplinary:各学科间的,交叉学科的 Theoretical discipline: 理论性学科 Mission oriented: 面向对象的 Mission:使命,任务,代表团,传教 注意 mission 与duty (义务,责任)的区别;;Environmental dilemmas;Credible: 可靠的,可信的,确信无疑的 1. According to the test results the test methods is credible. 2. Implementation of Parallel Credible Network Communications Based on Windows Platform. ;Contamination: 污染,污染物 The act or process of contaminating. The state of being contaminated. One that contaminates. Pollutant: 污染物质 ;Catastrophic: 悲惨的, 灾难的 Tragedy:悲剧 Disaster:天灾 ;;Greenhouse Gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, HFCs, PFCs,…… ;Explosive Population Growth ;Forest Destruction ;Ice Melting: ice cap, glacier, permafrost ;;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.;3.What changes does it cause;Cyclone Dro


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