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高考必考单词串讲; Unit 5 The power of nature;bar/column chart? ?;1.diagram (n.) 图解;示意图 chart (n.) 指一些含有数字,曲线的图表,如条形图,饼形图. form (n.) 指提供信息或回答问题的表格,如申请表. table (n.) 指印有或填上数字,说明事实或资料等的表或目录.;Its like ?volcano?ready to erupt. ;2. volcano n.;3. erupt vi. (火山)爆发,突然发生;4. ash (un.灰 ) --ashes(灰烬,废墟??ruins );5. hurricane n. 飓风;风暴 【巧记】hurri-cane. hurry? vi. 赶快;急忙;cane?手杖, 甘蔗。 口诀:匆忙拄着手杖在 “飓风”中行走。;Typhoon/cyclone: Similar storms occurring over the West Pacific Ocean and China Seas are called typhoons. Those over the Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones (旋风). Tornado: a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground 一般只指开阔”陆地上“形成的”龙卷风“,规模一般比hurricane 小。 ;A storm is named when it reaches tropical storm strength with winds of 39 mph, and becomes a hurricane or typhoon when its wind speed reaches 75 mph. ;6. questionnaire n. 问卷;调查表 【巧记】question--naire.可联想成:question问题,naire耐热。口诀:你耐着天气的热去问问题,叫人填“问卷调查表”。 ;运用:请指出下列句中alongside的词性和意义。 ⑴ The car parked alongside. ⑵ It’s a pleasure to work alongside such men.;alongside?prep.在...的旁边,沿着? along(动态)alongside(静态) I took a walk?_________?the river. 我沿着那条河散步。 She parked her car?____________?the road. ;We are in need of some electrical equipments.;Your education will equip you with your future life. ;9. equipment n.[U]装备,设备,器材 ;根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)Your training will ____________________ . (使你能够胜任将来的工作) (2)Please ___________________ a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.(为自己准备) ;【单项填空】 ①Our school library is equipped________a lot of new computers. A.with B.for C.on D.about ②Before the test all the students were asked to________ themselves with a sharp pencil and a rubber. A.equip B.fill C.occupy D.surround;③ ________himself with necessary knowledge and skills,the young man went to the job market with much confidence. A.Equipped B.Equipping C.Having equipped D.Being equipped;They appointed me the president of the association


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