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(3) apply oneself to (doing) sth.专注于;专心做某事 Hold out 维持,忍耐,伸出 Hold up举起,撑起,阻挡 Hold back阻止, 隐瞒 make it 应付,成功, 赶上 (1) give away 赠送;泄露;出卖 (2) give back 归还 (3) give off 放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、 热量、能量、光、声音) (4) give out 分发;用完,消耗尽,筋疲力尽 (5) give in 投降;屈服;让步;提出,提交 1. Stephen Hawking, the most famous theoretical physicist after Albert Einstein, author of A Brief History of Time, the opening ceremony of a mathematics institute at Zhejiang University. 同位语的使用, We none of us want to go there. My old friend John came this morning . You may leave it to them three. She is a good teacher, a friend of yours . He enjoys the exercise, swimming in winter. That’s my pleasure, doing you a favor. All the countries, big or small are equal. All the people, Chinese or foreign. Must obey the new law. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 辨析:arise;arouse;rise与raise 动词原形 arise (vi.) 出现,发生,起因于 arouse (vt.) 唤醒,激起 rise (vi.) 升起,起身,增长,上升 raise (vt.) 举起,唤起,提高,饲养 过去式 arose aroused rose raised 过去分词 arisen aroused risen raised v.-ing arising arousing rising raising Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. ① The sun ____ in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起西方落下。 ② The price of wheat has _____ / has been ______ since the last summer. 自从去年夏天以来,麦子的价格已经涨了/被涨上来了。 rises risen raised Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. We should always keep in mind that accidents _____ from carelessness while driving. A. arise B. arouse C. begin D. cause 【解析】句意为:我们应永记心中,开车时事故是由粗心引起的。arise意指“发生”;arouse是及物动词,意为“激起,引起”。  A Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 4. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a below. 她把胡萝卜捞出来,放到了碗里面。 (1) fish (v.)… out/from: 捞出;掏出 She fished out a coin from her pocket. 她从口袋掏出一枚硬币。 (2)fish up 捞出 A boy was f


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