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高级口译模块讲座补充资料 编者:李锦森 (Johnson Lee) 模块词汇 一 旅游景点 旅行机构: 旅行社 travel agency 报价 quotation 包价旅行? package tour 团体旅行 group tour 散客 individual tourist 住宿 accommodation 膳食 meals 交通 transportation 游览 sightseeing 衣食住行 clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation ? 旅游基本词汇: 点:spot, site, resort, attraction, destination, must, mecca 名胜景点:scenic spot ,tourist attraction 历史古迹:historic site 名胜古迹:scenic spots and historic sites 避暑胜地: summer resort 游客必经之地: tourist destination/must/mecca 山水风光:landscape 祭坛/圣坛: altar 亭阁? pavilion 楼 mansion, tower 台 terrace 塔 pagoda,tower 殿堂 hall 陵墓 tomb, mausoleum 关 pass 石窟 grotto 络绎不绝 an endless stream 美不胜收 too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once 闻名遐迩 known far and wide 墨客骚人 famous men of letters 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks 奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs ? 具体实考景点1:北京 故宫 the Imperial Palace 紫禁城 the Forbidden City 长城 the Great Wall 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass 不到长城非好汉 He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a man. 具体实考景点2:苏州 园林建筑 garden architecture 苏绣 Suzhou Embroidery 寒山寺 Hanshan Temple 虎丘山 Tiger Hill 拙政园 Humble Administrator’s Garden 沧浪亭 Pavilion of Surging Waves 狮子林 Lion Forest Garden 留园 Lingering Garden ? 具体实考景点3:杭州 西湖 West Lake 苏堤 Su Causeway 白堤 Bai Causeway 灵隐寺 Temple of the Soul’s Retreat 飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar 六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies 虎跑泉 Tiger Spring ? 模块词汇 二 饮食文化 烹饪 烹饪 culinary art 菜系 cuisine 美食节 gourmet festival 色、香、味、形俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance 四大菜系:山东菜、四川菜、粤菜、扬州菜 Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine 南淡北咸,东甜西辣 the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine或 the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west 白斩鸡 tender boiled chicken 臭豆腐 odd-odour bean curd 风味小吃 local delicacy 刀切、火候 刀切 cutting and slicing techniques 火候 heat control 切片 slicing 切条 cutting to strips 切丝 shredding 切柳 filleting 切丁 dicing 切碎 m



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