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LC-MS法测定饮料中的三氯蔗糖 1 2 倪炜华 , 郑丹 ( 1. , 314050; 2. , 314050) : ( LC- M S) , , W aters A tlantis C 18 ( 150mm 21mm, 5m ) , , (M RM ) , m / 395 359 , 01~ 10g/mL , r= 0999, 000 1m g/kg3 823% ~ 1005% , ( RSD) 127% , , : ; ; LC- M S; : T S2023 : A : 1006- 25 13( 20 11) 02- - 04 Dete rm inat ion of sucra lose in d rink by LC - MS 1 2 NIW eihua, ZHENG Dan ( 1. Jiax ing A griculture Products Superv ision T esting Agency, Jiax ing 3 14050; 2. Jiax ing Product Quality Supervision T esting Institute, Jiax ing 314050) Abstract: A n analy ticalm ethod based on h igh perform ance liqu id chrom atography- tandem m ass spectrometry ( HPLC - M S /M S) has been developed for the determ ination of sucralose in drink. The sam ple by Potassium ferrocyan ide solu tion and acetic inc solution rem oves mi pur ities such as protein, w ith a linear grad ient elution program of acetonitrile and w ater as the mob ile phase. T he separation w as performed on w aters A tlantis C 18 column ( 150mm 21mm, 5m ). T he electrospray w as adopted in the negative ion i ation m ode and the samp le was identified by m ultip le reaction m on itor ing (M RM ), w ith m / 395 359 as the quantitative ion to quantitatively. T he result show ed that the calibra tion curves showed good linear ities for sucralose in the range of 01~ 10g/mL, and the correlative coeffic ients w as 0999. T he lmi its of detec


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