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农民的根本出路在于非农化(国外英文资料) Academic management of land resources: a fundamental solution lies in the non-agricultural farmers Clear: in 2009 06 months 15 days 09:57 reading comments (9) (2) Category: personal diary Report With the malignant events caused by the burden of the farmers frequently occurred throughout the country, the three rural issues once again become the focus of attention. The reason why frequent agricultural vicious incident, because in recent years the farmers income continued to decline, increasing the burden to bear all. According to estimates, in the case of rising cost of agriculture, the traditional planting industry has been unprofitable, adverse effects with Chinas accession to WTO brings to agriculture, farmers will face the grim situation. On the one hand is the sharp drop in revenue, on the other hand is a heavy burden, two factors in both the potential, aggravated the contradiction between farmers and local government. To effectively avoid vicious incidents, the government and farmers together out of the woods, there is only one fundamental way, that is to increase the income of peasants, which is the key to solve the three rural issues. First, the existing measures cannot solve the problem of farmers income fundamentally In order to increase the income of farmers, government put forward such as adjusting the agricultural structure, promote agricultural industrialization, develop the township enterprises, increase the price of agricultural products, reduce farmer burden and a series of major initiatives. In addition, a few decades to build terraces, water conservancy, promotion of modern agricultural science and technology, such as promoting the use of improved seed and plastic film and so on, are important measures to increase production, increase income. However, whether these measures can not completely solve the problem of income? The following do some rough analysis. 1, the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure. From the tradit


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