加快淘汰落后产能 促进工业转型升级(国外英文资料).doc

加快淘汰落后产能 促进工业转型升级(国外英文资料).doc

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加快淘汰落后产能 促进工业转型升级(国外英文资料)

加快淘汰落后产能 促进工业转型升级(国外英文资料) Accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading Zhejiang Provincial Committee of economic and information technology Two years, July 22nd In recent years, with the practice of our province, iron and steel, cement and other high energy consumption and high pollution industries as the focus, adhere to market regulation and control policy, combining the stock out and increment limit combination, merger and reorganization and transformation initiative combined with serious policy and flexible operation principle of combining, and promote the elimination of backward production capacity. I. The practice and preliminary results of eliminating backward production capacity in our province To accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity as structural adjustment, and connotation, Teng space, promoting an important measure of potential, strengthen the leadership, overall planning, and take measures to push forward. The main measures are: First, the industrial policy restrictions to promote elimination. In the formulation of fifteen industrial development and 11th Five-Year advanced manufacturing base construction planning, will eliminate backward, promote Teng cage for birds strategic action as an important measure to optimize the industrial structure. The introduction of Zhejiang province to limit and eliminate backward production capacity of manufacturing industry directory, Zhejiang Province industrial pollution projects (product and process) prohibit and restrict the development of directory, clear out of key industries and backward areas, and rolling revision. Have issued guidelines for a number of industries, cement, textile machinery, pesticide, papermaking, stainless steel, new wall materials, leather, fine chemical, clear industrial upgrading direction and shutting down out of key areas. Last year, the 11 industrial transformation and upgrading plans formulated and


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