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如何在体育教学中落实新课标(国外英文资料) To pick: This paper argues that in the sports teaching to implement the spirit of new must be from two aspects of both sports teaching methods and skills and to students psychological health guidance, in the teaching of these two aspects are actually inseparable, complementary to each other. And the current situation of physical education teaching is mostly lay particular stress on physical education teaching methods and techniques but often overlooked the excavation to students psychological health guidance and consciously apply, this will affect the effect of physical education teaching in a certain degree, also cant really implement the spirit of new. This paper tries to illustrate and illustrate the practical teaching experience from these two aspects. Keywords: physical education, physical education methods and skills, mental health Sports is a man in life, a person to the society after decades of life, how to exercise, and he learned during the period of school sports knowledge and skills has a close relationship. Therefore, physical education must make lifelong sports as the primary purpose of teaching activities, forming a good habit of lifelong benefit through physical education. In the new course, let every student move. Give full play to students main body function, based on the principle of service for the students, under the condition of complete teaching goal, the students need anything, as long as can benefit heart health, what is appropriate to meet their, let what they do. Thus, the main role of the student body and the leading role of the teacher is fully realized. So how do you get a good sports and health class? How to implement the spirit of new subject in gym class? I think there are two main points: one, the methods and techniques of physical education; Second, mental health guidance. In order to master the methods and techniques of physical education, I think it should be taken from the following points: Take student de



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