机械原理学习资料-3.Kinematics and forces analysis of planar mechanisms.pptVIP

机械原理学习资料-3.Kinematics and forces analysis of planar mechanisms.ppt

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Exercise: for the five-bar linkage ,suppose that the driving links 2 and 3 are rotating with constant angular velocity w2 =10rad/s (ccw) and w3 =5rad/s(cw), respectively. Determine the couplers w4 and w5 . * Chapter 3 Kinematics and forces analysis of planar mechanisms (第3章 平面机构的运动分析和力分析) w14 w21 w23 v34 j M1 FR21 FR12 FR32 FR23 FR43 FR41 h 1 2 3 4 F Problems: Positions(轨迹)/Angular positions(角位移) Velocities(速度)/Angular velocities(角速度) Accelerations(加速度)/Angular Accelerations(角加速度). Purpose: It is a base for force analysis to understand the kinematics properties of existing mechanisms(了解现有机构的运动性能,为受力分析奠定基础). Means: 1)Instant center?(瞬心法)(v and ω); 2)Vector equation Graphical Method(矢量方程图解法) 3)Analysis method(解析法)(上机计算). Tasks and methods of kinematic analysis of mechanisms(机构运动分析的目的和方法) 3.1 Instant center of velocity (速度瞬心) 3.1.1 Instant center of velocity(速度瞬心) The definition of an instant center of velocity is a coincident point, common to two links/bodies in plane motion, which point has the same absolute velocity and no relative veloctiy( 两个互作平行平面运动的构件上绝对速度相等、相对速度为零的瞬时重合点称为这两个构件的速度瞬心, 简称瞬心。瞬心用符号Pij表示). P12 1 2 A B vA1A2 vB1B2 e.g.P12 is the instant center of velocity between link 1 and link 2. 1.Absolute instant center (绝对瞬心) 绝对速度为零的 瞬时重合点。 2.Relative instant center (相对瞬心) 绝对速度不为零 的瞬时重合点。 3.1.2 Number of instant centers of a mechanism (机构中瞬心的数目) Denoted as K: Note: The frame is included in the number N . 注意: N为包括机架在内的所有构件数。 3.1.3 Location of the instant center of two links connected by a kinematic pair(机构中瞬心位置的确定) 1.Observable instant center(直接构成运动副的两构件的瞬心) (1)Revolute pair(转动副连接) 1 2 P12 1 2 P12 The center of the revolute pair is the instant center(铰链点即为瞬心). (2)Sliding pair(移动副连接) Infinity in either direction perpendicular to the guide-way(瞬心在垂直于导路无穷远处) v12 1 2 1 2 v12 (3)Planar higher pairs(平面高副)(rolling and sliding pair) Somewhere on the common normal n-n through the connecting point A(瞬心在接触点的公法线上;若为纯滚动,瞬心在接触点上)


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