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汉字拼写(国外英文资料) 1.b, n sh n Su hemiplegia compensation 2.f n w n Ji unnecessary and overelaborate formalities A n 3.sh sh n ch, be long in coming. 4.y connected Ti yutie 5.b I P, N J, smooth debris Tou 6.zu, n Museum fist The w 7.sh is connected shicaiaowu. Noisy 8.p n Hu n to 9.zhu. Zhu. N compensation anxious and fearful. 10.chu a n and Ji a scab 11.b, O Ti n Ti w have a n connected Bo Tim Tin Mat 12.c ng Lu n Di zh ng, layer upon layer of peaks and knolls 13.ch u, ch ng, melancholy Lu Lu Du n which have a salient points. If you have w zh from corrugated paper F ng w I gu ni look up to as the standard Qi case y case Armadillo J J x, ng sea sea alone ripening Xi [explain] antagonistic inguinal compete to be roughly the same extension be roughly the same. Chap / chap backbite Dip pen C n reports the sun three legged crow w reports the move back to ancient legends of ukraine. L a T, generally refers to the slovenly untidy, not neat. J from n Ji [interpretation] sea hekan wine Jin said, a gourd (scare) bitter melon, not edible, commonly known as bitter gourd, used to do the wine dipper. T N J J Q case reports, [] in the interpretation of hoarding and profiteering: storage; odd: rare things; the scarce goods stored up. That traders hoarding large quantities of goods, waiting to sell, profiteering. Chanyanningyu [explain] libelous and flattery words W, N Y Z. Wanmuyazi [blind] and explain: eyes: eye canthus; frame; Date: eyes stare. They stare at anger. Cell Su []: explain what be brutal and do evils at will: vicious, brutal; violent despotic: any wrongdoing. Describe the brutal violence, to do what I like. A o Z Daozu []:d] [democratic interpretation refers to the knife and chopping board, originally without tools, we compare power of life and death in the hands of others, they were slaughtered in the position. SH [Su] flint. Flint flint, commonly known as is a common siliceous rock, dense, hard, mostly gray, black, broken with conchoidal fracture Sh. H, O [] to explain


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