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汉语汉字是高度发达的语言文字(国外英文资料) Chinese characters are highly developed language characters Is language advanced and backward? Some people think that all languages are the same. Others believe that Chinese is a backward language. Lets start with what language is. Linguists think that language is the system of speech as the shell of matter, the construction material of words, and the structure of grammar. One view is that labor creates people, and in labor they create language, which is uniquely human and only human. The ancients in our country believed that man was human, animal and animal. The ministers story says he can understand birds. Whether its true or not, more people believe that dogs and other animals can understand peoples simple words and dont think of them as mere conditioning. The lion roar, the tiger roar, the Wolf howl, the song of the birds, the crow, the dog, the horse, the ass, the pig, etc. All are language, which is they are communicating or expressing their feelings. Not only that, animals have dialects. Someone has tried it. The French crows do not understand the cries of American crows. Voice recordings of American crows, sent to American crows, can scare them away. The French crow was unmoved and unintelligible to the French. If the language is divided into narrow and broad words, special refers to the human speech language. It also includes silent languages such as the deaf and mute language and body language. In the broad sense, there is no doubt that the language has advanced and backward points, and the human speech is far more advanced than the animal language, and the communication surface is wider. In a narrow sense speaking, language development, since there will be a variety of language development is not likely to go hand in hand, there is always differences, otherwise will not develop or language. It doesnt make much sense to deny the theory of Chinese backwardness in terms of language. The Chinese character is a highly developed scientifi


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