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美联英语提供:美联英语:警惕!这5种行为毁掉你的面试 1.You arrive super early 1.来得太早了 Everybody knows that youre an idiot if you show up late for an interview. Its completely disrespectful of the interviewers time. 每个人都知道,要是面试迟到就会让自己看起来像个傻子,并且这也是极度浪费面试官时间的表现。 But showing up insanely early is also going to make you look like a jerk. Why? Because, when you arrive more than five or 10 minutes before your meeting, youre putting immediate pressure on the interviewer to drop whatever she may be wrapping up and deal with you. Or, shes going to start the interview feeling guilty because she knows she just left you sitting in the lobby for 20 minutes. 但是太早到场也会让你给人难堪的印象。为什么呢?因为当你比你的面试时间早到超过5-10分钟,你就会直接给你的面试官一定的压力,无论此时她正在整理东西还是与你交谈。否则,她就会抱着愧疚感马上开始面试,因为她知道她让你在走廊里等待了20分钟的时间了。 A secondary problem with showing up early is that it says, Hi, I have absolutely nothing else going on in my life, so Ill just park it here in your company lobby. You dont want that. If you arrive super early, hang in the parking lot or a nearby coffee shop until just a few minutes before your scheduled time. 另外一个早到带来的问题就是,“你好,我的确没有别的事情要忙了,所以我只好早点来贵公司准备了。”你并不想这样。如果你实在比预约的时间早很多,那么你就在附近的咖啡店闲逛一下直到面试时间前几分钟再过去吧。 2.Youre so over-rehearsed that you act like a robot 2.过度的预演,看起来像个机器人 Once again, we all know not to show up to an interview completely unprepared. 再次声明,我们都知道参加面试不能毫无准备。 Fewer of us, however, realize that its entirely possible to arrive over-prepared. Are you someone who thinks through every possible question that you suspect might be asked, writes out verbatim best answers, and then practices them in the mirror (or with a friend) until youre beyond exhausted? 但是更少人意识到也有可能会过度预演。难道你能够完全揣测到面试官会问你什么问题?然后把“最佳答案”写下来,再一次又一次地对着镜子(或朋友)练习直到自己筋疲力尽? You might think youre doing yourself a solid, but what youre actually doing is putting yourself at risk for coming across as robotic or, worse, disinterested. 也许你会认为这只是让自己表现起来更可靠,但是你实际上把自己表现无异于机器人,或者更糟糕的,让人不感兴趣。 When youre hyper-prepared and hanging on the edge of your seat waiting for certain qu


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