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电话卡日常用语对话 1查话费 A:Hello!Can I help you? 您好!请问有什么可以帮到您? B:I want to check my bill. 我想查一下话费是多少? A:Would you tell me your mobile phone number? 请提供下您的手机号码 B:My phone is 我的号码是 A:Would you tell me the subscriber name? 请提供下机主姓名 B:My name is 我的姓名是 A:Just a moment please. Sir,sorry for you waiting .your bill for july is 请稍等,对不起,让您久等了,您的7月份话费是 B:Thank you 谢谢。 A:It’s a pleasure 不客气 2打印话费清单 A:Excuse me,may I print the detail bill of this month’call? 对不起,我能打印本月的话费清单么? B:Sure,this is a touch-screen machine,input your phone number and password,then you can print the detail bill the last six months 可以,这是一台触摸屏设备,输入您的手机号码和密码,您就可以打印过去6个月的话费清单 A:Is it charged? 收费么? B:No,it is free 不,免费 A:Ok Thank you 谢谢 B:My pleasure 不客气 3手机缴费 A:Goodmorning ,Can I help you? 早上好,有什么可以帮您? B:Yes,I want to pay my mobile fee. 我想缴纳手机话费 A:Ok,your number,please? 您的手机号码是 B:My number is 我的手机号码是 A:Your mobile fee is 您需要缴纳的话费是 A:Ok,here is it. 好的,给你 B:This is your invoce and change,take care please. 这是您的发票和找零,请收好 A:Thanks,When should I pay mobile bill next time? 好的,我下次应该什么时间来缴费? B:The charge module you selected is postpay,you can pay your mobile fee frome the fifth to the end of every month. 您使用的是后付费的套餐,在每个月的5号到月末最后一天,可以缴纳上月的费用 B:Thanks,Can I despoit more money and pay my mobile every two month? 谢谢,我可以多存一些话费么两月来交纳一次 A:Of course you can,your money will despoit in your mobile account as mobile fee ,and you can inquire about the mobile fee through10086 and print the invoice at business hall periodically. 当然可以,您缴纳的话费将存在您的账户中,您可以拨打10086查询话费使用情况,定期来打印发票就可以 B:thanks and bye! 谢谢,再见 A:My pleasure and good luck! 不客气,请慢走 4办理入网 A:Hello!can I help you? 您好,有什么可以帮您 B:I want to buy a sim card for myself. 我想办理一张手机卡 A:Will you please show me your papers? 请出示一下您的证件号么? A:Ok ,this is my passport. 这是我的护照 B:Thank you.please choose one number and fill this form. 谢谢,请您选择一个号码,并填写一张表 2) A:Hello!can I help you? 您好,办理什么业务 B:I want to buy a sim card for myself.how can I get it? 我想办理一张卡,怎么办理 A: You need to present your personal valid papers su


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