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摘 要变速器是汽车重要核心部件,传动系更是汽车不可分割的一部分。其作用是在原地爬坡、起步、转弯、加速各种行驶的工况之下,使汽车获得不同的牵引力及速度,同时使发动机处在最有利的工况范围内工作运转。手动机械式变速器是传统的汽车传动系统,由于其结构简单、体积小、制造成本不高、便于装配以及修理,传动效率高等优点,一直沿用至今。变速器的性能已经直接体现出整车性能的高低,尤其是燃油经济性的好坏。所以变速器的设计质量的好坏一直是汽车行业竞争的焦点。随着汽车工业的发展,并且要求变速器具有较小的尺寸以及良好性能。本设计在给定QL1040发动机输出转矩、转速及最高车速、最大爬坡度等条件下,着重对变速器齿轮的结构参数、轴的结构尺寸等进行设计计算。并在CAD,UG软件平台上,对相关零部件进行二维,三维模型创建。关键词:轻型货车;变速器;齿轮;同步器;轴;设计;UG。ABSTRACTAs the transmission system of the important core of the automobile, transmission is an inseparable part of the automobile. the purpose is an earth to start and climb various condition that drove works, such as ascent, turn and acceleration...etc. at first down,make different travtive force of autocar acquisition and velocity, make the engine work in the most beneficial work condition range at the same time. Mechanical transmission is a traditional manual transmission car, because of its simple structure, small size, low manufacturing cost, ease of assembly and repair, high transmission efficiency, are still in use. Transmission performance of the vehicle directly reflects the level of performance, especially fuel economy is good or bad. Therefore, the design of transmission quality has been the focus of competition in the automotive industry.Along with the development of the automobile industry ,the trend of car transmission designing is to increase it stransmission power and decrese its weight ,and hope have smaller size and excellent performance. In conditions that knowing theQL1040 engine output torque , speed of engine and maximum speed of vehicles , maximum degree , focus on the designing of transmission gear structural parameters , axis geometry design computation ; as well as the transmission and drive program structure design。Using CAD, UG software, the relevant parts for two-dimensional, three-dimensional model created。Keywords: light truck; transmission;gear;synchronization;shaft; design; UG。目录摘要1Abstract1第1章变速器传动方案确定11.1目的意义11.2国内外现状研究 21.3研究的基本内容拟解决的主要问题21.4变速器的设计要求3第2章变速器传动


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