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礼貌原则在商务英语中的应用 Politeness principle in the application of business english 论文一.选题的依据及意义 Principle is the symbol of human civilization, and the guide wire to human event. We can find politeness in our conversation, in the movie, on televisions, on radios, in the books, newspaper and magazines, etc. It provides the audience with particular effect in unique or unit performance. Especially in China, a state with ceremonies, people attach great importance on the sense of politeness. For a long period of time, politeness, as a special language phenomenon, has been attracting the attention and interest of many scholars from various fields such as linguistic, sociology, psychology, etc. Due to the globalization, our state has established more and more combination with the word, especially after China’s entering to WTO, the global cooperation in economy and technology and the progress of trading issues are frequent and blossoming, which lead to a great number of needs of good-qualified genius. Business English becomes much more popular and important in modern society. Politeness Principle has the irreplaceable meaning in Business English. At present, few references can be found to guide one integrated Business issues. This paper will theoretically and realistically expound the significance and the application of Politeness Principle in each part of Business English, which includes Business Reception, Business Conference, Business Negotiation, and Business Correspondence. Aiming at giving better understanding about the significance of Politeness Principle in Business English communication and using effectively in realizing and achieving the goal of Business, and offering certain help in the study of Business English Teaching, this paper proposes some workable suggestions based on the authors own study experience. 二.国内外研究现状 The scholars both at home and abroad have made great accomplishment in linguistic study on Politeness Principle. English linguist, Brown and Levinson bega


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