pep英语六下unit 3 Where did you go BRead and write.ppt

pep英语六下unit 3 Where did you go BRead and write.ppt

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pep英语六下unit 3 Where did you go BRead and write

义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册 Unit 3 B Read and write hurt hurt go went eat ate have had buy bought 一、热身导入 Revision bought some apples yesterday I bought some apples for my mother yesterday. I bought ______ for _______ yesterday. 二、任务呈现 I took pictures of ______ . Group Work I yesterday. at school had a party I yesterday. at school lost money 四人小组合作,拼出一句好消息 限时15秒 四人小组合作,拼出剩下3句消息,读读看看。 I had a cold. It was bad. Then, I slept all day. It was good. So, it was bad but good. 三、课文学习 I hurt my foot. It was bad. Then, I ate yummy food. It was good. So, it was bad but good. weibo 微博 Discuss(4人小组讨论): Where were they? What happened? … 听全文,标号三图 1 2 3 For Wu Yifan,was it a good day or bad day? Task 1 快速阅读,捕捉关键信息,给图片排序。 限时1分钟 1、 Wu Yifan’s family rode a bike in the evening. ( ) 2、Wu Yifan’s family took pictures of the beautiful city. ( ) 3、Wu Yifan’s family bought some gifts and ate some delicious food. ( ) 翻书听第一段,判断句子对错。 √ × × B A Task 3 同桌2人仔细阅读第二段,捕捉关键信息,任选其中2个问题,进行一问一答。 1、Mum didn’t feel well, why? 2、Did they go anywhere in the afternoon? 3、What did they do to make mum happy? 4 、What’s the dog’s name? 5、 What did Max do to Robin? 6、Did Max like Robin? Pair Work 限时2分钟 What did Wu Yifan’ family do? in the morning: in the afternoon: rode a bike、 took pictures、 bought some gifts 、 ate some delicious food Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. stayed in the hotel dressed up made a funny play. Task 4 再次小声读全文,用波浪线划出所发生的事清。 What happened to Wu Yifan’s family? in the morning: in the afternoon: Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. dressed up made a funny play stayed in the hotel rode a bike took pictures bought some gifts ate some delicious food Friday , April 23rd It was a bad day but also a good day. Mum ate some bad fruit and didn’t feel well. First, it was a bad day, But what did we do then? We We We We We rode a bike took pictures bought some gifts ate some delicious


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