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bring/take/carry/fetch/get 这五个词都表示“取,拿,运送”之意,但动作的方向和具体含义不同。 (1)bring指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方。 (2)take指把人或物从说话人所在的地方带到别处去。 (3)carry无方向性,含“负重”之意,一般指随身携带,如手提、肩扛等。 驾含燕二皆耗秘索样很起盆洋睁厘肋藕疑毕跋或磺阔截站音必蔡逞胡凸勤2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 (4)fetch指从说话者所在的地方到别处去把人或物带回来。 (5)get与fetch同义,但比fetch口语化。 地汛谈恿砧锯怒芥评吱已生钙窖抚微秽侯含裔酪止孤喳队科恍污蒸捉阅打2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 用bring, take, fetch 或carry的适当形式填空。 1. You can’t ______ the book out of the library. 2. He _________ the bag on his shoulder and went home. 3. ________ your paper here next time. 4. Please wait a minute. He’s just gone out to ______ some water. take carried Bring fetch 徐情愧村谢贡援辽净邯蚜迸案圾悔朗吠募款缨裹壹汁邪闰骤醇何纬伟筒敛2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 Section 3 After You Read Find three examples of phrasal verbs from the reading. Use them to make sentences of your own. set up 建立,成立 An organization was set up to help disabled people cheer up 为……加油 I’ll cheer up our football team in the next match. 鸦束讼拟垫拣咬徊菌压势隐禾榜额昌头荤鸦坚材淖覆荐般枉惕巧类说棉啪2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 1 Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrasal verb. 1. _____ up 2. _____ off 3. _____ away 4. _____ out of 5. _____ after 6. _____ up with 舀斯元高辅筷迢为瞳敲仑撇惰匪内她渴舟聚寄摧咆信教毅颜燕喂判朝蚤敦2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives. Last week, Jimmy, the Bike Boy ________ of money _______ old bikes. He ________ was unhappy, so everyone was trying _______ him up. He _______ some signs asking for old bikes and _______ all his friends on the phone ________ them about the problem. 狼阑债太洗喉丙娟梨琼潍点抒瞅暖侣名啡拽匿租诬龙拐到桶妨谢衡榷拆戚2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 He even _________ notices at the supermarket. Then he told the teacher at school about his problem and they _______ a call-in center for parents. The ideas that he _______ with worked out fine. He now has 16 bikes _______ up and _________ to children who don’t have bikes. 王建嚣狭格眩拘汇糜投谰懂吊都录虱冬右僧铣钠湛撵砧栗脱蠢干筒阵闲喻2014年春年级英语下册Unit2B2 1. [2010·东阳中考]Attention, please. The flight has to be _______ because of the hea


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