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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:曲轴工艺及夹具设计(车削工装) 机电工程系 机电工程系 04机制本(2)班系 别:_________________________ 04机制本(2)班 陈 菊班 级:_________________________ 陈 菊 刘 炳 新姓   名:_________________________ 刘 炳 新 指 导 教 师:_________________________ 2008年6月 曲轴工艺及定位夹具的设计(车削工装) 摘 要 本论文主要介绍了发动机曲轴的机械加工过程和车削连杆夹具的设计。以传统的机械加工工艺过程为基础,引入现代化的加工方法及设备。本文分以下几个部分对总体内容进行了讨论。首先,据曲轴零件图和生产需要拟定出了工序集中的工艺路线。在制定工艺路线的同时也考虑到各个特征之间的位置精度要求。其次,由曲轴零件图所分析的技术要求对每道工序所采用的机床、刀具、量具、及夹具分别进行了讨论,计算各道工序的切削用量等加工参数及机动和辅助工时。第三,对加工所用夹具进行了举例,以及定位元件、夹紧机构的选取,定位分析与误差的计算,夹紧力的确定做了必要的阐述。第四,介绍了应用三维软件pro/e进行零件造型的过程及夹具设计过程。 关键字: 曲轴 夹具 加工 Pro/e The Craftwork of Crankshaft and Design of Orientation Clamp (Turning Frock) Abstract The planning the machining process and gripping device of turning connecting lever for the crank-shaft of the motor is introduced. The modernized machining methods and sophisticated equipments are led into the machining process, base on the conventional machining process engineering. In the place of the combined machine tools, combined cutting tool is used to improve productivity and ensure the location accuracy of the feature, the production cost is reduced and the adjustment of production is facilitated. The thesis will discuss the content mentioned above as follow: Firstly, the route of the centralized machining process is laid down according to the need of the production. The position accuracy of the feature is also considered in the machining process. Secondly, the choice of the machine tools, the measuring implement, the fixture, and the cutting tool of the stages in manufacturing is discussed after the technical analysis of every process step with the blueprint. The cutting quantum and machining parameters is computed, and the machining time and the auxiliary time are also calculated in this section. Thirdly, the example of special fixture design is introduced, as well as the choosing error, the determination of the clamping force. Fourthly, in this part, we talk about how to use the three-dim


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