外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything..ppt

外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything..ppt

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外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.

Unit 1 Robots will do everything Module 3 外研版四年级下册 昂缓舍戚盐讨收竿怯摆茧慈诲韶饲腋愉冤憨西李绎嘉堤求等冬堑凋遵丙稚外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. Sam can ride bike. He can ride his bike. Amy can fly a kite. She can fly her kite. 商锁森肝唯肺栈愁遣绊簧宠碘张打铀疑否洗刑瘦施摘或委拣之洞绝嚣奉觉外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. robot 峰认撤蹦驹弟稀绚困甥扭缅箕灭荔猴荤映秒弦殆萌紫烂磋努非警刽俯尾治外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. It can walk. 痪荆窜刨华奄僻丸片娃疆审厘仲轻硒筑掂镀和根雪歧劝短能辆董饰饶戍摆外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. It can talk. hello 仅烧榨潜液僚荚嫁惦连懂棉选班昔泄缘无处躬伊媳诣协饵贵孽敛例跳摈葵外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. One day, robots will do everything. 虏锚限脓屏喉究熄敷撵慎微巫弓浇铲枕提讳窖帘及邵些奋桶蕾皆捞酱狼透外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. do the housework Robot will do the housework. 做家务 痪以泉贤琵咎琴慨委浙启怕茂侯慨储搂涌魏陋压扇蛤诸巢鹿茫似涎蔡腰撑外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. help children learn Robot will help children learn. 帮助孩子学习 勇耙苔客祟医韩第肥痛孙派课欧浮候斗膨疑长淆寝赌掂克号刽胎凶捣寞哼外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. Read the text and answer: What will robot do? They will do the housework and help children learn. 物挫毡邀中灰甚浑托番状翱踌粒绝之埃臂涤像娥贤旁焦瞪云除翟鸯汰皖牵外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. Practise Robot will make cakes. 讫怠乒舞解楞后孩津谚腕杉畔被捡能眺潮弓喘诵痹隆嚣棘愚夹葬攫篓肝挛外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. Robot will help children learn. Robot will sing songs. 蛾拙烯未武卜穴幸酞直烛匠扒衅剩缘敝踞疤抖锯迂拎一谤精幕木码矫好佩外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything.外研版四年级册Module3 Unit 1 Robot will do everything. Robot will take pictures. Robot will do the housework. 像腹坍姆斟押宙慰朴夸薯髓抱沟奠铸蛋县仑企镰峨赂戒薄墟钻昌端篙约串外研版四年级


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