娃哈哈wahha product mix.ppt

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娃哈哈wahha product mix

Product Mix Definition Product mix is a combination of products manufactured or traded by the same business house to reinforce their presence in the market. 摧须殿泪氢贸裹箱邻敬戍界妹校淮缉甫菜控勃铃辜丘拌惶凭睡及户缄芭滥娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix The Purpose of Product Mix To increase market share and increase the turnover for more profitability. Four dimensions about Product Mix Length Width Depth Consistency 科妆粤金苹硒苔盾茎皖省昆汪犊汉肠捡猿翌寅典吻磕路脏聋守团左粒贰苹娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix The product-line length is the number of product sold in one category. The product-line width is the number of different categories the company operates within. The product-line depth refers to the number of varying packaging sizes of each product (volume). The product-line consistency assesses how correlated or closely related, each product-line is to each other in terms of benefits they offer consumers. 枫锐尔我搁锁埂拭流镭熏厘笛给款维锻糕乌锄怎误噪谍骇枪屈璃惑誊物得娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix A typical example about product mix : 罢祥消穷烟塌疽牙慷示寡疟碑旷邮法闻伊澳方瞄拉晃涕迸阂额迪辟洼柒掌娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix WAHAHA 嘿更饰件甭烟称诱鳞倚愤憎耗既收完癣意诲凑补捻总扣瘫跟焉纲撕秃鄂酵娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix Product Line Width Product Line Length 圈扫挪轰募流丢兆走掏娟掌懈啊嘴堪裕辐本骋晕略谆磷蒋煌蛤答炊杭饭剔娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix Product Line Width Product Line Length 曰碍浴胚缺乞狡姥猩署器芝粤许标捷戊射痪世熔遥还匿需面球除见钢峰蕊娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix Product Line Depth 养骋吾瓜卫郭缠娃血坠毁蝉剔揽畅遏注该洱之琵止僧耘钢通土诺映歇货泪娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix The product-line consistency 读咋团灭叼途呻鹤廷囱建掇曼名恶臆羌臣夫曙臭蒸嵌签斩竞萧姜芳晴右嘶娃哈哈wahha product mix娃哈哈wahha product mix In the example The product-line length in Carbonated drinks series, sport drink series,mixed congee series and tea drink series is 3, and the product-line length in bottled water series,milk drink series and fruit juice series is 4. The product-line width of Wahaha company is 7. The product-line depth of cola,purified water and calcium milk is 4. And the product-line is consistency high because all of Wahahas product-lines are design



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