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注册高级国际人力资源师 参 评 论 文 (小初号华文中宋体) 探寻新的员工福利计划开展模式 姓 名: 黄亦彬 单 位: 瑞泰人寿保险有限公司 职 务: 人力资源部经理 日 期: 2009年4月 摘 要 随着信息化和经济全球化,企业竞争环境日益复杂,一系列的管理创新促使人力资源管理职能也要做出变化,员工福利保障计划外包正是在这种大趋势中所出现的一种新型管理模式。尽管对于这种模式的研究刚刚起步,还面临许多新的课题, 但这并不能阻碍它成为21世纪人力资源管理领域内的一项重大变革,并为越来越多的人力资源从业者所接受。 本文通过对员工福利业务的交易性与外包模式的动因,员工福利外包的涵义与发展现状进行了深入的分析和论述,并基于交易成本理论与核心竞争能力理论,结合个人的亲身工作经历,详细阐述了员工福利外包的优势所在,即外包活动有利于降低经营成本, ABSTRACT Along with information and economy globalization, the situation of company competition is more complicated than before. The function of Human Resources needs to be changed in compliance with the series of management innovation. The outsourcing of employee welfare program is a trend, and it would be the one of the most important reforms in Human Resources Management of 21 century and accepted by more HR practicers in spite of the new model just in preliminary stage and more challenges facing now. Through the investigation on transaction of employee welfare program and motive of outsourcing; analysis on the definition and development of outsourcing employee welfare program, the writer dissertates the advantages of outsourcing employee welfare program based on the theory of transaction cost and core competitiveness combining writer’s individual working experience, viz., outsourcing is better for management cost reduction and business performance improvement; outsourcing is helpful to strengthen HR’s strategic role; outsourcing is helpful for company to focus on their own core competency; outsourcing is better to acquire advanced technology and external professional consulting; commercial insurance company has absolute strength in operating employee welfare program. It has been shown HR outsourcing is an effective way for company to pursue high performance, convenience, flexibility and retaining competitive strength. The writer is working with group product department and actuarial department of her current served company to research outsourcing product of employ


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