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分类号:X131 U D C:D10621-408-(2011) 0269-0 密 级:公 开 编 号:2007042021 成都信息工程学院 学位论文 成都市雾水中有机污染物特征 成都市雾水中有机污染物特征~-淋洗-真空浓缩方法以及GC/MS分析方法,建立同时测定雾水中三类有机组分的实验方法,对成都雾水中典型有机物进行提取、分析其含量并探究其时空分布规律及特征,讨论污染代表物及对其主要污染来源进行分析。 结果表明:成都市市、郊区雾水中正构烷烃化合物碳数分布范围为C11~C377.58~27.75ng/m~PM10中碳数分布基本一致。成都市雾水中正构烷烃主要污染来源为机动车尾气等化石燃料燃烧的人为源输入,同时也有一定的低等生物和藻类等的生物源贡献;市区和郊区雾水中PAHs化合物的组成分布五环四环六环三环,该结果与成都市大气PM10中PAHs组成分布一致,说明两者存在比较相似而稳定的PAHs污染源。雾的生消过程中,PAHs的污染特性表现为成熟时段(27.15ng/m)>消散时段(11.59ng/m)>形成时段(6.42ng/m)。C5-C9的二元羧酸,总浓度范围为10.92~(C5)的浓度水平最高,该值与大气PM10中二元羧酸有差异,成都市大气PM10中主要以壬二酸(C9)占主要地位,由于短链二元羧酸具有高水溶性的特点,导致雾水中戊二酸含量高。同期采样的雨水所含有机物含量远远低于雾水中污染物的含量,说明雨水溶解有机污染物的能力较雾水相差很大。 关键词:雾水;二元羧酸 ;多环芳烃(PAHs);正构烷烃; GC/MS ;成都 Pollution characteristics and sources of organic compounds in fog water in Chengdu Abstract This study in 2009~2011 autumn and winter on the basis of experimental monitoring on typical organic pollutants n—alkane and PAHs and dicarboxylic acid from air fog water and rain water implement by solid-phase extraction (dicarboxylic, pahs, alkane) - leaching - vacuum concentration method and GC/MS analysis method . Then construct experiment method which detecting pollutants at the same time.At last,analyze pollutants content and explore the time-space distribution features, discussing pollution proxy and its main pollution source were analyzed. The Results show that: alkane compound carbon number distribution scope for C11~C37 in cheng du center and suburbs that can provide a rich geochemical information. Urban alkanes concentration range for 7.58~27.75 ng/ml while the suburbs contain 2.57~21.55 ng/ml, it is in atmospheric PM10 which were taken with carbon number distribution basically the same. Alkanes in Chengdu main pollution source come etc for fossil fuel burning of artificial source input, there are also some lesser creatures and algae of biological sources;Urban and suburban PAHs compounds of air fog waters show that five ring four ring six ring, and the 3rd ring


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