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汽车前围板拉延成形模面及工艺优化 彭广威 (湖南汽车工程职业学院 湖南株洲 412001) 摘 要: 汽车复杂覆盖件的拉延模面决定了冲压件的成形性、表面质量和尺寸精度,是其成形模具设计的核心和关键,合理设计工艺补充面可有效改善板料变形的均匀性。本文基于CAD/CAE协同设计思路,对某新款汽车前围板零件拉延成形过程进行数值模拟,通过对模拟结果的分析,设计合理的拉延成形模面,同时进一步优化成形参数。通过对模拟结果与实际产品进行了板料厚度对比分析,优化后的模拟结果与实际成形产品的变化趋势相同,模拟精度可靠。通过成形数值模拟,可预测板料的成形缺陷,对产品结构及冲压成形模面的优化设计提供了可靠的指导,而且可极大缩短周期,节约成本。 关键词:汽车前围板、拉延成形、数值模拟 中图分类号:TG385  The Optimization of the die surface and Forming Process for Car Dash Panel PENG GUANG-WEI (Hunan Automotive Engineering Vocational College , Zhuzhou, Hunan 412001) Abstract: The drawing die surface of complex automotive covering parts determines the formability of the stamping, surface quality and dimensional accuracy, and is the core of its forming die design, the reasonable design of addendum surface can effectively improve the uniformity of sheet metal deformation. In the article,Based on CAD/CAE collaborative design ideas, the stamping process of a new car dash panel parts was simulated, through the analysis of simulation results, the drawing mold surface was designed, and forming parameters were optimized. The contrast analysis of the simulation results with the actual product sheet thickness shows that the optimized simulation results and the actual forming products have the same change trends, simulation therefore is reliable. Through forming numerical simulation of sheet metal forming defects can be predicted, the product structure and the optimization design on the surface of the stamping die provides a reliable guide, and can greatly shorten the cycle and cost savings. Key words : Car Dash Panel、Drawing Forming、Numerical Simulation ------------------------------------- 基金项目:2014年湖南省高等学校科学研究项目“基于三维数字化RE与CAE技术的汽车前围板结构及工艺优化”(14C1202) 作者简介:彭广威(1975-),男,在读博士,副教授。研究方向:材料成形理论及技术 通讯地址: 湖南省株洲市红旗北路476号湖南汽车工程职业学院. 邮编:412001 电话 Email: 1、引言 汽车前围板是汽车发动机舱与车厢之间的隔板,为典型的汽车覆盖件零件,与一般冲压件相比,具有材料薄、尺寸大、结构复杂、材料强度高、表面质量要求高等特点。覆盖件成形的基本工序包括:拉延、修边及翻边等,其中拉延成形工序最为关键[1]。 本文采用有限元分析软件Dynaform对某款新型车的前围板零件的拉延成形进行了模拟仿真,通过


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