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摘要 摘要 近年来,随着旅游业的迅速发展,文化旅游已成为旅游的热点之一。旅游作 为一种现代社会的经济文化现象,与文化是密不可分的,并能够产生各种结合方 式。文化是旅游的灵魂和重要内容,也是决定旅游地区总体魅力的重要因素,其 内涵极其丰富并呈现多元化特点。与此同时,旅游者越来越注重精神享受,对旅 游产品文化内涵、文化品位的追求日益强烈,旅游者不仅仅只满足于传统的观光 旅游,旅游活动正由观光旅游向知识度假旅游和文化旅游等旅游形式的转变。文 化旅游已经成为旅游消费新的增长点,具有很大的发展潜力。 泰国是中南半岛上的一个美丽的国家,是一个多民族的国家,拥有灿烂的历 史文化和丰富的旅游资源,有着奇丽的自然风光和独特的人文景观。旅游业是泰 国较为重要的产业之一,据统计,尽管去年泰国遭受特大洪灾,但2011 年泰国 旅游业收入达到230.8 亿美元,同比增长23.92% ,创下历史新高。 然而,泰国还有很多具有开发潜质旅游资源,还有很多旅游资源有待开发。 其中泰国柯叻岛就是其中之一,本文首先研究了国内外大量文献,再对柯叻岛进 行了实地调查,与当地旅游主管部门官员进行了访谈,获得了大量的第一手资料。 同时通过对清迈的案例分析,为泰国柯叻岛文化旅游资源开发提供政策与建议。 关键词:文化旅游;旅游资源;泰国;柯叻岛 I Abstract Abstract In recent years, with the development of tourism, cultural tourism has become one of the tourist hot spots. Tourism as a modern society, economic and cultural phenomenon, are inextricably linked with culture, and can produce a variety of combination. Culture is the soul and an important part of tourism, also an important factor to determine the overall charm of the tourist areas, its meaning is extremely rich and diversified characteristics. At the same time, tourists increasingly focused on the spirit of enjoyment, and increasingly strong pursuit of the cultural connotations of tourism products, cultural taste. Tourists not only just be satisfied with the traditional tourist, tourism activity is transferred from sightseeing tourism to the knowledge of tourism and cultural tourism and other tourism forms. Cultural tourism has become a new growth point for tourism consumption, also has great potential for development. Thailand is a beautiful country on the Indochina Peninsula, is a multi-ethnic country, has a splendid history and culture and rich tourism resources, with a strange



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