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1998, 21( 3) : 64 69 rnal of Nanj ing Agricultural University 胡 兵 熊德祥 潘剑君 ( , 210095) , , , ; , ; , ( ) 5 , , , ; ; 323. 211 F Establishment and test of t he f uzzy integrated evaluat ion syst em for agricult ure land resource Hu Bing , Xiong Dexiang and Pan J ian un ( College o f Na tur al Resour ce a nd Env ir onmental Science , N an ing Ag ric U niv , N an ing 210095) ABSTRACT T he r elat ionship betw een the ev aluat ion f acto rs o f ag ricultural land r esour ce and its quality is simulated by u sing the fuzzy azzow -co lumn metho d fro m soil pr operties, enviro nment al sett ings, etc. , on the basis of fuzzy theor y and character o f ag r icultur al la nd r esour ce . T he level o f each ev aluat ion f actor s - and t he integr ated co eff ect as a r esult o f t he int eration betw een all the f acto rs are analysed w it h the fuzzy clu ster ing met ho d . T he ag ricultura l land r eso ur ce is scientif ically classif ied in quality . T he land gr ades ar e def ined w it h t he metho d of fuzzy integ r ated eva luation . T hu s a r elatively complet e fuzzy integr ated ev alua- tio n sy stem is for med fo r agr icultur e land r eso urce. F inally , t he land r esour ce quality ev aluat ion of f ive vil- lag es in the K uer le City in X in iang is taken as an ex ample to test the model. T he bet ter r esults pr ov e the model useful . ; ; Key words land r esource land evaluatio n fuzzy mathematics , , , , [ 13] , , , , , [ 4] , : 1997-09-1



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