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2015年 第 8 期 中州煤炭 总 第 236期 三软特厚煤层煤巷锚网支护技术应用 王 红 卫 ,刘 炎 伟 ,田克勇 (郑煤集团公司超化煤矿,河南新密 452385) 摘要:郑煤集团公司超化煤矿改变三软特厚煤层传统的架棚被动支护方式,采用锚梁网主动支护,先锚杆+ 钢筋梯子梁+ 钢网支护、后打锚索结构补强的支护方法。实践证明,煤巷锚网梁主动支护显著提高了巷道支 护效果,降低了工人劳动强度。同时能够与综采工作面配套减少替棚工序,降低掘进成本,保证了采煤工作 面的安全、快速推进。 关键词:三软特厚煤层煤巷;锚杆 + 钢筋梯子梁+ 锚索;主动支护 中图分类号:TD353 文献标志码 : B 文章编号 : 1003 -0 5 0 6 (2 0 1 5 )0 8 -0 0 6 8 - 0 3 Application of Bolt Net Supporting Technology for Coal Roadway with Three Soft and Extremely-thick Coal Seam Wang Hongwei,Liu Yanwei,Tian Keyong (Chaohua Coal M ine, Zhengzhou Coal Industry {Group) Co. ,Ltd. ,Xinm i 4523S5 , China) A b s tra c t :The traditional passive shield supporting in Three Soft thick coal seam was changed in Chaohua Coal Mine of Zhengzhou Coal Industry( Group) Co. ,Ltd. ,the active supporting m ethod,roof bolting with bar and wire m esh,w as carried out in the coal mine. Firstly, using bolt + bar ladder beam + steel n e t ;secondly, anchor cable was used for structure reinforcement. The practice proved th at,th e active supporting of roof bolting with bar and wire mesh in coal roadway has effectively improved the effect of roadway supporting, and reduced the labor intensity of the workers. At the same tim e,it can reduce the working procedure and the driving cost,and ensure the safety of the coal mining face. K eyw ords : Three Soft extra thick coal seam in coal roadway ; bolt + bar ladder beam + anchor cable ; active supporting 郑煤集团超化煤矿开采的二i 煤层厚2 〜22 m , 深 259〜353 m ,沿煤层底板掘进。巷道原设计为拱 /=0.3〜0.5,顶底板均为泥岩


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