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CHAPTER 7 Researching Customer Behavior Conceptual Framework Two Broad Categories of Research Qualitative Measuring in terms of general descriptions and categories Quantitative Measuring in terms of numbers Qualitative Research Requires verbal response The respondent is requested to state the answer in his or her own words Several specific methods or techniques are available for implementing qualitative research Focus groups Customer visits Motivation research Interpretative research Focus Groups With focus groups, a small group of customers is assembled in a room, and a moderator steers the group discussion along certain questions of interest to the marketer Focus groups have several applications: Generating ideas for product improvements or new products Understanding customer perceptions of competing brands Testing new concepts Customer Visits The specific program of research that involves visiting a dozen or so customer firms to hold interviews with customers to learn about the their experience with the product and requirements Advantages of Customer Visits Face-to-face interactions Affords a good opportunity to understand customer requirements Enables the technical staff of the vendor firm to understand and respond to the customers’ thought world Applications of Customer Visits Discovery research Primarily suited to B2B marketers Especially beneficial to producers and vendors of high-tech or otherwise complex products Techniques for Motivation Research Nondisguised-Structured Techniques A technique that makes the research purpose obvious and seeks responses along prespecified response categories Nondisguised-Nonstructured Techniques A technique in which the purpose of the study is not disguised; however, the consumer response categories are not predetermined Disguised-Structured Techniques A questionnaire design wherein the real intent of the question is disguised, but the response categories are provided Disguised-Nonstructured Techniques Projection


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