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可改变的危险因素 1 BMI指数 研究表明,绝经后未使用雌激素替代治疗的超重或肥胖女性乳腺癌风险要高于体重正常的女性 2 饮酒 饮酒越多,乳腺癌风险越高。每日饮酒的人乳腺癌风险是不饮酒的人的1.5倍。每增加10g,风险增加12%。 目前没有证据表明红酒能增加癌症风险,但也没有防癌的作用 3 己烯雌酚 DES(diethylstilbestrol) 避免流产的药物。会轻度增加乳腺癌风险。怀孕的女性服用后,女儿在40岁以后的乳腺癌风险会轻度增加 可改变的危险因素 4 服用雌激素药物 绝经期女性使用长达5年以上的雌激素会显著增加乳腺癌的风险 5 口服避孕药 口服避孕药会轻微增高乳腺癌风险26%,但停药10年以上,乳腺癌风险并不增加 Oral Contraceptives 6 运动水平低下 长期规律运动的女性患乳腺癌的风险比不运动的低20%--40% 7 日光浴和维生素 可以降低乳腺癌的发生几率 Approximately 36% of East Asians (Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans) show a characteristic physiological response to drinking alcohol that includes facial flushing (see?Figure 1), nausea, and tachycardia [1] Breast Cancer Screening for Women at Average Risk: 2015 Guideline Update From the American Cancer Society * JAMA.?2015 Oct 20;314(15):1599-614. IMPORTANCE Breast cancer is a leading cause of premature mortality among US women. Early detection has been shown to be associated with reduced breast cancer morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE To update the American Cancer Society (ACS) 2003 breast cancer screening guideline for women at average risk for breast cancer ACS RECOMMENDATIONS Women should have the opportunity to begin annual screening between the ages of 40 and 44 years (qualified recommendation). age 45 years screening mammography starting(strong recommendation) aged 45 to 54 years should be screened annually (qualified recommendation) 55 years and older should biennial screening or have the opportunity to continue screening annually (qualified recommendation). Women should continue screening mammography as long as their overall health is good and they have a life expectancy of 10 years or longer (qualified recommendation). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE These updated ACS guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for breast cancer screening for women at average risk of breast cancer. These recommendations should be considered by physicians and women in discussions about breast cancer screening. 1 女性 男性只占乳腺癌的不到1% 2 年龄 50岁以后乳腺癌发病率显著增加 3 乳腺癌家族史 Fa



