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基于SAML单点登录实现方案的分析 ? 摘要 随着信息技术和网络技术的迅猛发展,客户在信息化的过程中拥有了多套不同厂商开发的应用系统。这些系统互相独立,用户在使用每个应用系统之前 都必须按照相应的系统身份进行登录,为此用户必须记住每一个系统的用户名和密码,这给用户带来了不少麻烦。特别是随着系统的增多,出错的可能性就会增加, 受到非法截获和破坏的可能性也会增大,安全性就会相应降低。针对于这种情况,单点登录概念应运而生,同时不断地被应用到企业应用系统中。 本文对单 点登录SSO(Single Sign-On)的背景进行了分析,介绍了两种常见的单点登录技术,重点介绍了SAML技术及其实现单点登录的两种方式。本文基于SAML技术设计了一套 可行的方案,并对实现代码进行了必要的分析。最后对安全性进行了分析,给出了相应的解决方法。 关键词 单点登录,SAML,断言 Analysis based on the case of accomplishment of SAML’s single sign-on Wang Shifeng( College Of Software Technology) Directed by Professor Chen Deren Abstract During the process of informationization, customers always use several variously application system provided by different firms. So customers must remember every account and password for different systems if they want to log in or use these systems, as all of them are operating independently from each other. It brings a lot of troubles to the custormers. Especially, if more systems they are using, it is more likely for them to make mistakes, also get illegal campture and destruct, then lower the security of the account. Aimed at fix this problem, the single sign-on come into being and is applied to the company application system grandually.. This paper analyses the background of SSO(Single Sign-On) problem and? introduces two common techniques of SSO, emphasizes SAML technique and two methods of SSO. And has designed a feasible SSO system grounded on SAML technique, meanwhile made a analysis of the security and give the relevant solution. Keywords Single Sign-on, SAML, Assertion 目录 第一章 绪论?? ?7 1.1 本文研究的背景?? ?7 1.2本文研究的意义?? ?8 第二章 单点登录的技术基础?? ?12 2.1 单点登录的概念?? ?12 2.2 国内外的研究概况?? ?12 2.3 SAML简介?? ?13 2.3.1 Browser/Artifact方式?? ?15 2.3.2 Browser/POST方式?? ?16 第三章 单点登录方案的设计和实现?? ?17 3.1 设计思路?? ?17 3.1.1 用户登录流程?? ?18 3.2 IDP的设计?? ?19 3.3 SP过滤器的设计?? ?53 3.4 安全性分析?? ?66 3.5 系统实现界面?? ?66 参考文献?? ?70 致谢?? ?70 第一章 绪论 1.1 本文研究的背景 在 大多数计算机连入网络之前,各个系统中像身份验证和授权这类安全服务的实现完全是独立的。因此,执行身份验证所需的全部代码,以及密钥、口令,供授权决策 所用的用户信息,以及授权策略本身均存放于使用这些信息的系统上。最初,系统连接


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