Classical negation in logic programs and disjunctive databases-英文文献.pdf

Classical negation in logic programs and disjunctive databases-英文文献.pdf

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Classical negation in logic programs and disjunctive databases-英文文献

Classical Negation in Logic Programs and Disjunctive Databases Michael Gelfond University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, Texas 79968 Vladimir Lifschitz University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712 Abstract A n important limitation of traditional logic pr ogramming as a know l edge representation tool, in comparison with classical logic, is that logic pr ogramming does not al low us to deal directly with incomplete information. In order to overcome this limitation, we exten d the class of gene r al logic pr ogr ams by including classical negation, in addition to negation-as- failur e. The semantics of such extended pr ogr ams is based on the method of stable models. The concept of a disjunctive database can be extended in a similar way. We show that some facts of commonsense know l edge can be represented by logic pr ograms and disjunctive databases more easily when classical negation is available. Computational ly, classical negation can be eliminated fr om exten ded pr ograms by a simple pr eprocessor. Extended pr ograms are identical to a sp ecial case of default theories in the sense of R eiter. 1 Intro duction An imp ortant limitation of traditional logic programming as a knowledge representation to ol, in comparison with classical logic, is that logic programming do es not allow us to deal directly with incomplete information. A consistent classical theory partitions the set of sentences into three parts: A sentence is either provable, or refutable, or undecidable. A logic program partitions the set of ground queries into only two parts: A query is answered either y es or no . This happ ens b ecause the traditional declarative semantics of logic programming automatically ap


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