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●奥伯豪森宣言是26个德国青年电影人于1962年在奥伯豪森国际短片电影节上发出的宣言。宣言号召建立“新德国电影”。此宣言的发起人是Haro Senft,签名者中包括后来具有国际影响的大导演Alexander Kluge、Edgar Reitz等。宣言的精神是“爸爸的电影死了”。?   26个签名者被称为所谓“奥伯豪森小组”,他们基本都是稍后新德国电影的先驱。“奥伯豪森小组”在1982年被授予德国电影奖。   ●宣言英文版   Oberhausen Manifesto?   The collapse of the conventional German film finally removes the economic basis for a mode of filmmaking whose attitude and practice we reject. With it the new film has a chance to come to life.?   German short films by young authors, directors, and producers have in recent years received a large number of prizes at international festivals and gained the recognition of international critics. These works and these successes show that the future of the German film lies in the hands of those who have proven that they speak a new film language.?   Just as in other countries, the short film has become in Germany a school and experimental basis for the feature film. We declare our intention to create the new German feature film.?   This new film needs new freedoms. Freedom from the conventions of the established industry. Freedom from the outside influence of commercial partners. Freedom from the control of special interest groups.?   We have concrete intellectual, formal, and economic conceptions about the production of the new German film We are as a collective prepared to take economic risks.?   The old film is dead. We believe in the new one.?   Oberhausen, February 28, 1962?   ●宣言德文版   Oberhausener Manifest?   Der Zusammenbruch des konventionellen deutschen Films entzieht einer von uns abgelehnten Geisteshaltung endlich den wirtschaftlichen Boden. Dadurch hat der neue Film die Chance, lebendig zu werden.?   Deutsche Kurzfilme von jungen Autoren, Regisseuren und Produzenten erhielten in den letzten Jahren eine groszlig;e Zahl von Preisen auf internationalen Festivals und fanden Anerkennung der internationalen Kritik. Diese Arbeiten und ihre Erfolge zeigen, daszlig; die Zukunft des deutschen Films bei denen liegt, die bewiesen haben,


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