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Question ;The Comparison between the Inaugural Speech of Obama and Kennedy;Warming-up The body contents Exercises Expand reading ;Warming-up The body contents Exercises Expand reading ;Warming-up The body contents Exercises Expand reading ;Contents;Obama ;Kennedy ;外文名: Kennedy ; 外文名: Barack Hussein Obama 出生地: 美国夏威夷州檀香山 出生日期: 1961年8月4日 毕业院校: 哥伦比亚大学,哈佛大学 信仰: 新教 所属政党: 美国民主党;video;;Obama: The nation is at the Iraq war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. The economy is badly weakened . Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered . The health care is too costly; schools fail too many . ;Kennedy: Contradiction between socialism countries and capitalistic states is still sharp. The nuclear weapon has played a very important part in United States world strategy. In its rivalry(竞争)with the former Soviet Union, the United States had used its nuclear arsenal(核军火库)either as a trump card or as a bargaining chip according to the ever-changing balance of power. The Cuba nuclear crisis ;The two speech in content aspect;The religious features; Massive Holy Bible languages were used in the address. Stressed there are many other things which is much more important than religion Arouse the sense of agreement among English countries. ;The same rhetorical;“ If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible,who still wonders if the dream of our fou


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