2015届(人教版)中考英语复习课件【第18讲】九年级Units 9~10 (24页).ppt

2015届(人教版)中考英语复习课件【第18讲】九年级Units 9~10 (24页).ppt

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2015届(人教版)中考英语复习课件【第18讲】九年级Units 9~10 (24页)

Ⅱ.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 5.他宁愿读书也不愿看电视。 He preferred to read rather than watch TV. 6.我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。 I prefer swimming to skating. 二、Youre supposed to shake hands.你应该握手。 【考点精讲】 suppose作为动词,其意思是“猜想,设想,认为,假设”,其常见用法为: (1)be supposed to do sth.意思是“被期望做某事;应该做某事”,相当于should。eg: He is supposed to arrive on time.他应该准时到达。 (2)在口语中,常用否定结构“be not supposed to do sth.”意思是“不允许做某事;不应该做某事”,相当于shouldnt。eg: You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.=You shouldnt smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。 (3)supposed+that从句,当变为否定句时,否定词应该前移。类似的词还有think,believe等。eg: I dont supposed that he will tell you about it.我认为他不会告诉你这件事。 You are________to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.(2013,菏泽) A.suggested B.supported C.taught D.supposed 【即时演练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。 1.In France you__B__put bread on the table.Youre not supposed to put it on the plate.(2013,枣庄) A.shouldnt B.are supposed to C.would like to D.will 2.You were__C__to close the windows.Why were you so careless?(2012,绵阳) A.allowed B.believed C.supposed D.caused 3.All the students in Beijing__C__to wear school uniforms at school. A.suppose B.dont suppose C.are supposed D.hope 4.—Where are you?You are__C__to arrive here at 9 oclock. —Sorry.The traffic is really busy today. A.sorry B.welcome C.supposed D.planned Ⅱ.按要求完成句子。 5.She should arrive here at 7:00.(改为同义句) Sheis supposed toarrive here at 7:00. 6.You are supposed to help him out.(改为否定句) Youare notsupposed to help him out. 7.They are supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party next_Sunday.(对画线部分提问) When arethey supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party? 三、after all 【考点精讲】 after all意为“毕竟;终究;究竟”。用于句首时,意为“不管怎么说”,“毕竟”,带有“we mustnt forget…”之意。用于句尾时,含有“虽然有前面说过的话”或“与预料中的情况相反”之意。eg: Mary didnt pass the exam,but after all she had done her best.玛丽考试没有及格,但她毕竟尽力了。 I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I passed it after all.我原以为我考试不会及格,然而我还是及格了。 Dont ask him to study too late into the night.________,he is only a small child.(2014,滨州) A.As a result B.After all C.


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