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课堂目标 1.语法填空点评 2.复习现象类说明文的概括方法 3.复习三种主题句的写法 4.如何写拓展句 5.“知己知彼” It’s said that a giant rock was located in the North Sea but once many boats and ships 16 (strike) it and sank. About a century years ago,a kind and imaginative minister came up with an idea to have a buoy (浮标) 17 (fasten) to the rock.On the top of the buoy 18 (place) a bell, 19 would ring whenever any ships got closer.When hearing the bell ringing,sailors knew where the rock was and stayed safe.One day, a sea robber Rover happened to sail not far away from the rock. Seeing 20 buoy floating in the water,he decided to play a trick.Soon his crew broke the chain that held the buoy, let the bell go into the water and then sailed away.In the following weeks,they robbed many 21 ships around the seas and filled the ship with a great 22 (vary) of treasures.Unfortunately, when returning,they themselves had no idea how to get away from the terrible rock 23 the ring.The ship was moving swiftly in the dark 24 there was a great crash. 25 was the very rock and the ship began to sink. A senior lawmaker on Thursday warned of increasing mortality of lung cancer caused by air pollution. Of all cancers, lung cancer mortality rate has increased the fastest in recent years, said lawmaker Yang Wei, director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and member of the National Peoples Congress (NPC) Standing Committee. Yang told a group discussion that recent studies show lung cancer is the top killer for males and the second largest killer for females, partially caused by accumulation of air pollutants. We always talked about smoking less to keep healthy, but one of the primary reason is the polluted air, he told lawmakers discussing a report on the enforcement(实施) of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution. China has vowed to strengthen air pollution control. Beijing will adopt a special air pollution control plan for the upcoming APEC meetings,


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