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学校代码:10410 序 号:050448 本 科 毕 业 设 计 题目: 棉花秧苗移栽机的结构设计 ——————— 传动装置的设计 学 院: 工 学 院 姓 名: 吴 锦 学 号: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级: 机制052 指导教师: 肖 丽 萍 二OO九年 五 月 摘 要 育苗移栽能够提早作物的生育进程、提高单产,能有效抵御大风、雨害、低温等自 然灾害,并且节省种子。由于江西的地理条件等因素,通常都采用铺膜种植的方式来提 高地温,保墒,还能够抑制很多杂草。要实现膜上打穴移栽,保质保量的在紧迫的春种 季节完成移栽,是农民丰产丰收的前提。 在我国,打穴移栽作为一种常规的农业生产技术己在生产实际中得到广泛应用,但 是,传统的人工打穴移栽方法存在的劳动强度大、劳动生产率低、移栽速度慢、经济效 益差等问题始终没有得到有效的解决,实现打穴移栽机械化已成为生产中迫切需要解决 的问题。 吊篮式移栽机是铺膜移栽机械中栽直率较好的机械,但直接投苗不够方便安全,而 且容易漏苗,大面积移栽效率低。为此设计了一种简单可靠的投苗机构,它调整简单方 便,能够较大的提高整机的工作效率,降低了漏苗率。 关键词:打穴,吊篮,移栽机,钵苗 Abstract Raise seedlings and transplant can increase crop production in every unit area, and make upgrowth ahead of time, which can withstand gale, harmful rain, low temperature, and other nature disaster. Besides, it also saving seed. Because of the weather condition in jiangxi province, seeds are usually grown under the film by farmer, it is useful to improve the soil temperature, keep moisture and restrain weeds. Punch transplanted is precondition of foison for the farmer in busy spring. Punching transplanting is a normal agricultural technology in china, but the traditional and manual methods of transplanting have many problems which could not be resolved up to now. So it is an immanency task to realize transplanting mechanization in China. The nacelle-type transplanter is a good machinery for transplant film, but it is not convenient and safe to directly drop seedling and it is easy to leave out seedling when the machine is operated and its work efficient is low when seedlings are transplanted over the larger areas. Now a simple and credible type of machine was designed, which was easy and convenient to be operated and adjusted. The efficiency of the machine is much more greatly improved. There is less seedling to leave out in work progress. Key words: Punch,na


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