Book8 unit3 The problems of the snakes教学课件.ppt

Book8 unit3 The problems of the snakes教学课件.ppt

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Book8 unit3 The problems of the snakes教学课件

Columbus Divide the text into five parts and work out the main idea for each paragraph. Part I (Para.1) The research on the snakes to catch them. Part II (Para2) The attempts to catch the snakes. Part III (Para.3) Thinking of the possible approaches Part IV (Para.4-6) Decide on the invention and apply for a patent. Part V (Para.7-8) Find the problem of the snakes. look at the following list and work out a suitable order. Task 2 Read the passage carefully, check the order above to see whether the text follows the stages in producing an invention. 2. Which are the three possible approaches that the writer thought of to catch the snakes except___. A. Removing their habitat. B. Attracting them into a trap using male or female perfume or food C. Using the natural enemy of snakes D. Cooling the snakes Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A.The snakes were so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldn’t bite the writer at all. B. Your product must be different from everybody else’s if you want to receive a patent. C. The writer decided to send her invention to the patent office the moment she succeeded in catching the snakes. D.If an application for your product proves to be valid, you can get a patent immediately. . Post reading Task 1: According to thepassage, if you have a new product, how can you get a patent ? Task 2: Imagine you are a patent officer, your job is to decide whether an application should be considered valid or not. Look at the following inventions, which one should be given a patent and which one shouldnt ? give your reason. (1)Fill in the form and file your patent application with the Patent Office. (2)You should have your product recognized by the patent office. (3)Your product cant be a discovery/a scientific idea/literature or art/ a game or business/a computer programme/ a new va


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