Book8 Unit5复习.ppt

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Book8 Unit5复习

Reading 1.你们想必都很清楚,正是在这个地方,我们找到了世界上居住在这个地方最早人类的证据.我们在这儿进行的挖掘工作已经很多年了,而且…… You ____ __ ______that ____here ______we found ________ __some of the earliest people ___ _____in this part of the world. Weve ____ __________here for many years and ... 2.因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里. So we think __ __ _________to _______they lived in these caves, _________ __the cold. 3.我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火. We ____ ___ __________layers of ash almost six meters thick, _____ ________ ____they might have _____the fire __________all winter. Using language 1 the animal herds 2 on the forehead 3 if only 4 pulse through 5 applaud sb’s choice 6 look ahead 7 accelerate one’s walk 8 lie in wait (for sb) 9 reach one’sdestination 10 become dizzy with 11 over the fire 12 with relief 13 a square face 14 pronounced eyebrows 15 stone scrapers 16 a stone axe-head 17 now and then 18 cut up the meat 19 scrape the fish 20 Lala’s spirits rose. 1.拉拉担心她这次盛宴的准备工作,所以赶紧把坚果,甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快步回家了。 ______ _____the preparations for her_____, Lala quickly ______ ___home with her ________of nuts, melons and other fruit. 2.她今年要是早有预见,计划的更好些就好了。那么她就不会这么担心了。 __ ___she ___ ____ ______and ___________this year! Then she _______ ____ ____feeling so worried now. 3.听见狼群在森林里嚎叫,拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐。担心会有野兽在等着她。 _____ _____wolves howling in the forest, Lala __________her walk __the path to the caves ______ ____there might be wild beasts ____ __wait for her. 4.快到目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。 She had ______ _______her _________when a delicious smell ________her _______and she stopped. 5.他有一张宽大的方脸,眉毛很重,颧骨突出。 He had a ______ ______face, ____strongly _________eyebrows and cheekbones. Reading task 11.一个未被开启的坟墓 12.被变成木乃伊 13.描述为 14.精致的艺术品 11. an unopened tomb 12. be turned into a mummy 13. describe sth as 14. refinement of the art ③Its very noble of you to ______________ my old grandmother when I was out for business. ④Tell the children to ______________ when they cross the main street. ⑤__


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