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摘要随着我国国民经济的快速发展,我国机动车辆发展迅速,而城镇道路建设由于历史等各种原因相对滞后,交通拥挤和堵塞现象时常出现。如何利用当今计算机和自动控制技术,有效地疏导交通,提高城镇交通路口的通行能力,减少交通事故是很值得研究的一个课题。目前,国内的交通灯一般设在十字路口,在醒目位置用红、绿、黄三种颜色的指示灯加上一个倒计时的显示器来控制行车。本文分析了现代城市交通信号灯控制与管理的不合理性,进而提出一款更具人性化、智能化的城市交通灯控制系统的硬件电路设计方案。本系统采用555触发器为中心器件产生振荡电路来设计交通灯控制器,通过振荡产生信号波,经过4024加法器确定64S为一个周期。最后通过193减法器与4511驱动器实现对数码管的控制,达到预期效果。最后通过Altium designer和Multisim仿真说明了系统制作过程与调试结果。本系统设计周期短、可靠性高、实用性强、操作简单、维护方便、扩展功能强。关键词:交通灯 555触发器Multisim仿真ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of national economy in China, motor vehicles in our country has developed rapidly, and urban road construction relative lag, due to various reasons such as history and heavy traffic jam phenomenon often appear. How to make use of the computer and automatic control technology, the traffic effectively, improve the urban traffic intersection traffic capacity, reduce the number of traffic accidents is a topic worth studying. At present, the domestic general is located in the intersection, traffic lights in the striking position with red, green and yellow lights with a countdown display to control the traffic. This paper analyzes the modern urban traffic signal control and management of irrationality, put forward a more humane, intelligent urban traffic light control system hardware circuit design. The system adopts 555 trigger device generate oscillation circuit to design a traffic light controller for the center, through the oscillation signal wave, after 4024 adder sure 64 s as a cycle. At last, through 193 subtracter and 4511 drive control system for the digital tube, to achieve the desired effect. Finally, Altium designer and Multisim simulation illustrates the system process and the result of debugging. This system design cycle is short, high reliability, strong practicability, simple operation, convenient maintenance, strong extended functionality. Key words: traffic lights 555 trigger Multisim simulation 引言选题背景交通是城市经济活动的命脉,对城市经济发展、人民生活水平的提高起着十分重要的作用。汽车现已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的交通工具。汽车在给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了一系列令人困惑的问题,如环


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