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预防医学专业(五年制)本科人才培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Preventive Medicine Specialty (5-year’s schooling) 一、培养目标 Ⅰ. Educational Objectives 本专业培养具有良好素质的能获得公共卫生医师资格的高级专门人才,毕业后能从事疾病预防与控制、卫生监督、卫生保健、健康促进、社区卫生服务等工作,并为毕业后进一步深造打下良好的基础。 This program aims at cultivating the high-ranking specialized personnel of good quality obtaining the qualification of public health doctor who will be able to undertake the work of prevention and control of diseases, health care, health promotion, community health services, etc, and laying a good foundation for advanced study after graduation. 二、基本规格要求 II.Basic standard required 毕业生应获得以下的态度、知识和技能: Students of this specialty should master the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills in the subjects of fundamental medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine; and possess good moral characters in ideology and job attitude so as to lay a firm foundation for the continued education after graduation. Graduates should acquire the following morals, knowledge and skills: 态 度 要 求 1.树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有爱国主义和集体主义精神,愿为公共卫生与预防医学事业贡献力量。 2.热爱公共卫生事业和疾病预防控制工作,牢固树立预防为主的观念,具有良好的敬业精神和医德医风,全心全意为人民健康服务。 3.有极强的法律意识,遵纪守法,公正执法,以保护人民健康、控制疾病、促进国民健康水平的提高为己任。 4.始终将社区的健康利益作为自己的职业责任。 5.树立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,理解其人文背景及文化价值。 6.树立终身学习观念,充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。 7.重视对新知识、新技能的学习和探索,具有创新精神以及为新知识产生、新技能的建立做出贡献的意识。 8.尊重同仁,树立团队意识。 Attitude Requirements Establish scientific outlook on world, life and values, have patriotism and collectivism spirit, and wish to contribute to the cause of public health and preventive medicine. Have ardent love for the cause of public health and the work of disease prevention and control; build up firmly the idea of giving priority to prevention; possess a good spirit of devotion to duty and of good medical ethics and work-style; and wish to serve the people’ health wholeheartedly. Possess a strong consciousness of law, observe the law and discipline, justly execute the law; and regard protecting the people’s health, controlling diseases, and raising



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