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2011 2( 143) * 张晓东 : 本研究以英语专业二年级学生为受试,考查了词汇知识与英专四级考试听力理 之间的关系研究表 明: 词汇广度知识词汇深度知识与听力理 总分及各部分分数之间显著相关;词汇广度知识能够 释听力理 及听写分数差异的 27%和 24% , 能在不同程度上 释其他各部分分数差异; 词汇深度知识能够 释听力理 及听写分数差异的 2% 研究结论对二语听力教学具有重要指导意义 : 词汇广度知识; 词汇深度知识; 二语听力理 A bstrac t: Taking sophomore English majors as the subjects, this study exam ines the relationship bet een lexical kno ledge and listening comprehension ofTEM4. It finds that the breadth and depth of lexical kno ledge are signifi cantly correlated ith listening comprehension and its each part. The breadth of lexicalkno ledge accounts for 27% variance of listening comprehension, 24% variance of dictation and different variance of other parts; hile the depth of lexicalkno ledge explains2% variance of listening comprehension and dictation respectively. These findings have significant mi plications for the teaching of second language listening. K ey w ord s: breadth of lexicalkno ledge; depth of lexical kno ledge; second language listening comprehension : H319 : B : 1004- 5112( 2011) 02- 0036- 07 1. , , (Laufer 1992; H u Na tion 2000; M ecartty 2000; Qian 2002), , , , , , , ( ), , , , , , , Nation( 1990)Nation , 4 8 * ( PXM2010 014221 100559) 2010 ( PXM2010 014221 101037) 36 Foreign Language World No. 2 2011 ( General SerialNo. 143) , ( receptive)( productive), , , Nation, 2. , , Bonk( 2000) , 90%, Schm itt( 2008), 95% Nation( 2006) Staehr( 2009), , 98%, 90% , Staehr( 2009) 115 , , , 49% , , 51%Mecartty(2000), ; , , 13% ( 2009) , , , , , , , , ( M ecartty 2000)( Staehr 2009; 2009) , , : ( 1) ? (2) ?


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