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                      Foreig n L ang uage World No . 5 2002 ( General Serial No . 9 1) 大学英语教师的外语教育观念 、知识 、能力 、 科研现状与进修情况调查结果报告 □夏纪梅 提要 : 本调查是全国大学英语研究会 2000 年批准立项的项 目“提高大学外语教学效益的核心问题研究 ——— 教师素质与能力培养和发展”成果之一 。调查采用问卷形式 ,了解高校大学英语教师的外语教育背景 、现有的 外语教育观念 、知识 、能力和科研进修状况 。调查内容涉及教育观 、教师观 、学生观 、质量观 、教学方法倾向、研 究兴趣倾向、研究方法倾向、在职进修情况和愿望等 。本调查旨在为大学英语教师提供对 自己的教学和科研 做较全面的自我反省和评估的机会 ,为开展有 目的、有针对性 、有实效的师资培养/ 培训工作或教师 自我发展 方向提供参考 。调查历时一年多 ,对象包括来自全国约 600 所高校的在职大学英语教师代表 。调查结果大部 分与预测情况相符 ,其中也反映了传统与现代交替阶段所出现的观念的混乱 ,缺乏理论指导或理论脱离实践 等现象 ,可供有关学者或部门做不同角度的分析研究并采取相应措施 。 关键词 : 外语教育 ;观念 ;知识 ;能力 ;进修 Abstract : This report is based on a questionnaire study sp ecially designed for the inservice College English teachers (CETs) from 600 universities and colleges across China . Information to be gained from the questionnaire study in cludes the following areas : CETseducational background , their belief s in and knowledge of contemporary foreign lan guage education , their selfp erception of cap abilities in teaching , research , evaluation , course design and materials development , and the adequacy of qualification as a tertiary EFL teacher . The main obj ective of the questionnaire ex ercise is , on the one hand , to provide CETs with an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate their own situations com prehensively and , on the other hand , to provide the professional teacher trainers with real data for subsequent target oriented teacher renewal and teacher development in the TEFL profession in China . It was anticip ated that the study should provide useful information about CETs needs and want s in EL T theories and practice , leading to the formula tion of an informed syllabus for training CETs in the future . Key words : foreign language education ; belief ; knowledge ; cap abilities ; professional development 中图分类号 :H3 19  文献标识码 :B  文章编号 : 1004 -


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