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真心朋友的句子,大全 十句名言教你如何获得真心朋友 与人和睦相处很重要,学会尊重它人是赢得友谊的第一步。 1.keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. cultivate a low, persuasive voice. how you say it counts more than what you say. 1.惜言如金。说的永远比想的少。养成低声说话,说有份量的话的习惯。怎么说比说 什么重要的多。 2. make promises sparingly, and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs. 2.慎做许诺。无论代价如何,诚心诚意信守诺言。 3. never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. praise good work, regardless of who did it. if criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully. 3.永远不要错失机会向某人说,或说关于某人的饱含善意和鼓励的话。赞美做得好的 工作,不管那是谁做的。如果需要批评,就做有益的批评,绝不要怀有恶意。 4. be interested in others, their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as a person of importance. 4.关心他人, 关心他们的追求,他们的工作,他们的家和家人。和那些快乐的人、哭泣的人和哀伤的人一 起营造快乐。让你遇见的每个人,无论他多么卑微,都能感受到你对他的重视。 5. be cheerful. dont burden or depress those around you by dwelling on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments. remember, everyone is carrying some kind of a load. 5.要令人感到愉快。不要老是述说你微不足道的周身疼痛和失望沮丧,给你周围的人 增加压力和苦恼。记住,每个人都担负了某种负担。 6. keep an open mind. discuss but dont argue. it is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. 6.虚心接受他人意见。可以讨论,但不要争论。能友善地表示不同意见是有优越感的 标志。 7. let your virtues speak for themselves. refuse to talk of anothers vices. discourage gossip. it is a waste of valuable time and can be extremely destructive. 7.让优点自己表现出来。拒绝谈论他人的缺陷。劝阻流言蜚语。那是宝贵时间的浪费,破 坏性可能极强。 8. be careful of anothers feelings. wit and humor at the other persons expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected. 8.照顾他人的感受。以损害他人为代价的风趣和幽默很不值得,可能会在不经意间伤


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