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篮球积分器毕业设计说明书查重版 黄河科技学院毕业设计说明书 篮球积分器的设计 第 I 页 摘 要 篮球比赛的计分系统是一种累加得分类的系统。本次试验设计的篮球电子智能积分 器,以普遍使用的篮球比赛赛程规则为标准,选用AT89S51为核心驱动芯片,并对比赛比分中进行实时计分的积分装置。本课程设计的目标:赛程时间预设、赛程间隙暂停/ 开始预设,比分实时更新、分数晶体管显示、场地对调分数对换预设、赛程完毕预警。该设计主要元器件AT89S51和LCD1602液晶显示器等,系统性能稳定,使用简单方便,而且易于维护。设计思路是以AT89S51为主控制系统,以LCD1602为显示系统,通过写入的程序和电路(晶振电路、复位电路、警报电路等)来实现目标功能。通过本次设计可以更好地系统的学习相关专业知识,使软件的应用能力、实际操作能力、protel、 Multisim电路设计等应用有一个综合的提高。 关键词:篮球比赛规则,AT89S51,LCD1602,时间预设,比分交换,比赛结束报警 The design of basketball integrator Author:Ma Qi Tutor:He Hongli Abstract The basketball game scoring system is a system of classification too tired.The experimental design of basketball electronic intelligent integrator, with widespread use of basketball competition schedule rules as the standard, AT89S51 as core driving chip, and integral device for real-time score on the score of the game. The goal of the course is designed to: preset schedule time, schedule clearance suspended / began to default, score is updated in real time, transistors display scores, site swap fraction swapping presupposition, the schedule is completed early warning. The main components AT89S51 and LCD1602 LCD monitor, system performance is stable, easy to use, and easy to maintain. Design idea is AT89S51 as the control system, the LCD1602 display system, through written procedures and circuit (crystal circuit, reset circuit, alarm circuit, etc.) to achieve the target function. Through this design can better systems to learn professional knowledge and application ability of the software, the actual operation ability, PROTEL, Multisim circuit design and application have a comprehensive improvement. Keywords: Basketball rules,AT89S51, LCD1602, exchange, calendar alarm over the score. 1 绪 论 1.1 背景和意义 篮球比赛时,它的得分计时器是一种分数累加的得分电子计数器,它由多个子电路 的功能单元组成。目前,由于电视技术、网络视频直播技术、卫星视频转换技术的应用,娱乐媒体为适应大众对比赛赛程的实时观看的要求,智能化的篮球计分器已经开始和现场实况荧幕及电视、网络实时转播技术连接,实现实时赛况直播。本计分器的设计,选用AT89S51为核心驱动芯片,实现赛程时间预设、赛程间隙暂停/开始预设,比分实时更新、分数晶体管显示、场地对调分数对换预设、赛程完毕预警,并具有手动自动等功能,通过本次设计可以更好地系


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