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泥石流 地震 泥石流是指在山区或者其他沟谷深壑,地形险峻的地区,因为暴雨暴雪或其他自然灾害引发的山体滑坡并携带有大量泥沙以及石块的特殊洪流。泥石流具有突然性以及流速快,流量大,物质容量大和破坏力强等特点。 Debris flow is to point to in the mountains or other gully depth, area terrain, because of heavy rains Blizzard or other natural disasters triggered landslides and carry special flood a lot of sediment and stones. Debris flow has a sudden and rapid flow velocity, flow characteristics, physical capacity and strong destructive power. 泥石流的形成需要三个基本条件: Three basic conditions to the formation of debris flow 有陡峭便于集水集物的适当地形; There are appropriate for the steep terrain collector; 上游堆积有丰富的松散固体物质; The accumulation is abundant loose materials; 短期内有突然性的大量流水来源。 A large number of short-term sudden water source. 危害(?In harm) 泥石流最常见的危害之一,是冲进乡村、城镇,摧毁房屋、工厂、企事业单位及其他场所设施。淹没人畜、毁坏土地,甚至造成村毁人亡的灾难。 One of the most common hazards of debris flow, is rushed into the village, town, destroying homes, factories, enterprises and institutions and other facilities. Submerged human and livestock, destroying the land, even cause village crash disaster.        二、对公路、铁路的危害Two, on the highway, railroad hazards   泥石流可直接埋没车站,铁路、公路,摧毁路基、桥涵等设施,致使交通中断,还可引起正在运行的火车、汽车颠覆,造成重大的人身伤亡事故。。Debris flow can be directly buried station, railway, highway, roadbed, bridges and culverts destroyed facilities, causing traffic disruption, may also cause the running train, car overturned, causing major casualties. 三、对水利、水电工程的危害(Three, the harm of water conservancy, hydropower project)   主要是冲毁水电站、引水渠道及过沟建筑物,淤埋水电站尾水渠,并淤积水库、磨蚀坝面等。(The main station is destroyed, the diversion channel and channel building hydropower station tailrace buried, hydropower, and sedimentation in reservoir, dam surface erosion.)   四、对矿山的危害(Four, to the mine hazards)   主要是摧毁矿山及其设施,淤埋矿山坑道、伤害矿山人员、造成停工停产,甚至使矿山报废。 The main is to destroy the mines and its facilities, buried mines, mine tunnel, damage caused by shutdown stop production, and even make mine waste.  1、房屋不要建在沟口和沟道上 The house not to build in a ditch and


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